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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

DON'T BE FOOLED: The Republicans Are Winning

To listen to all the moaning out of the House of Representatives yesterday, you could be forgiven for thinking that the Republicans are losing the fiscal battle in Washington.

Actually, they're winning.

To see this, you just need to step back and look at the tax deal and the country's fiscal trends from a broader perspective.

Yesterday, the American government voted to extend almost all of the Bush Tax Cuts permanently.

Not temporarily, as a stimulus measure.



  1. clowns like the author need to wake up. this should NOT be about either side winning. It needs to be about Congress doing what is good for the country

  2. $40 in tax increases for $1 in spending cuts? The only people winning are those who want a bankrupt USA.

    Stop believing in Republican - Democrat paradigm. Two sides of the same coin, and neither party being in charge changes the outcome any. The only thing they can agree on is gutting the constitution.

  3. 2:33 Heard that. Tea Party folks actually want to go back to a constitutional government reduced in size and power and then look at the abuse they get from the Commu-crats and so called "moderate Republicans". Our country's forefathers would be called "right wing fanatics" and ran out of town. It's time for the people to start a grass-roots political movement that is not controlled by international interests and is bound to return this country to the principles of the constitution and (I'm going to get ultra- radical here) biblical principles.

  4. Great Point 3:48 PM...

  5. How about the american people winning. Its not about Reps and Dems its about all of us. God Bless the USA!


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