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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

District Toughens Up Requirements For Welfare Recipients

City will suspend payments to those who defy requirements

District lawmakers on Tuesday voted to withhold benefits from welfare recipients who deliberately ignore programs designed to help them improve their lives, capping a rancorous debate but irking legislators who had hoped the city would impose tougher sanctions.

The council's 11-2 vote will allow the District to implement "full-family sanctions" against participants in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program who repeatedly defy program requirements like completing job training programs.

Under a compromise agreement, the city will withhold welfare payments for up to one month. Mayor Vincent Gray's original plan called for the District to block compensation for up to three months before requiring the recipient to reapply for aid.



  1. Wow - this activity might actually help.....

  2. They are probably going to start rioting when they get wind of this.


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