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Monday, January 07, 2013

DHS Buys 200,000 More Rounds of Ammunition

While the Obama administration sets out to eviscerate the gun rights of American citizens in the aftermath of Sandy Hook, earlier this week it was announced that the Department of Homeland Security has awarded a company a contract worth over $45,000 dollars to provide the DHS with 200,000 more rounds of bullets.

This new purchase adds to the staggering figure of 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition already secured by the DHS over the last 9 months alone.

A solicitation originally posted on the FedBizOpps.gov website on December 17 on behalf of the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center advertised the need for 200 cases of 13–40 Cal, 180 Grain, Jacketed Hollow Point bullets, with each case containing 1000 rounds, to be delivered almost immediately as soon as the contract is awarded.


  1. They come to my home they will need more ammo than this.

  2. You'll be the first one falling down crying! Oh Please Mr. Policeman protect me.

  3. Remember back in 2008- Obama said we needed a civilian national security force that’s "just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as our military force".....

    This is not going to end well.

  4. You might want to consider building a bunker (or two) and hunkering down for the next 30 years. Please, don't forget all of your guns n' ammo! Don't come out until we give you the secret knock. ;-)

  5. "more rounds of bullets".....a round is a bullet. And 200K is not that much at all for a department. I'm one person and I use maybe 10K a year just at the range shooting at paper for fun....

  6. 4:11, how long would 1.6 Billion plus the 200,000 rounds last you?

    More than a year?

    That's 334,000 agents firing off a hundred rounds a month for FOUR YEARS.
    Just sittin' here doin' math...

    Oh, and that's just one order! How many times a year are they ordering this?

  7. You'll be the first one falling down crying! Oh Please Mr. Policeman protect me.

    January 7, 2013 3:10 PM

    Keep believing that. People have a lot of resentment towards police. It's contained and repressed now. What do you think will happen when society turns into a free-for-all?

    Undercover cops might have a chance but uniforms are a walking target.

  8. 4:11-Do you shoot hollow points for target practice? Hollow points are for killing people, not for shooting paper for fun.

  9. With above statements the Police are now acting as the SS Gestapo did with HITLER'S orders.

  10. Crying FOR the police? LOL? THEY will be crying BECAUSE they are police. Hollow points are MADE for killing. NOT "target practice" or "training". They are MEANT for vicious destruction of flesh. And What in the hell is an agency for the government (responsible for "homeland" security?) doing buying hundreds of millions of rounds like this? So many people can't really believe what is going on RIGHT BEFORE THEIR EYES that they refuse to acknowledge the obvious. SOMETHING is being planned and prepared for --you can literally bet your life on it.

  11. @10:54 - A bullet is a bullet. Hollow points are made for expansion. Doesn’t mean on humans (rolls eyes). Almost any bullet is fatal to a human. If it’s from a semi rifle or a revolver it doesn’t matter. But for a weekend hobbies that doesn’t even hunt and only shoots paper the conversions is irrelevant.

  12. 11:06 Missed the point. And there ARE differences in bullets. You know that, apparently. And the point you missed??? These MAN-KILLER rounds are being purchased by the MILLIONS by an agency tasked to protect the INTERNAL security of the USA. WHO do they plan on shooting with these rounds that are designed to "expand" (makes it sound so neat and clean). If it was JUST practice and training, jacketed hollow points would be a huge waste of money. Take a regular round from a 9mm and you may live. Take a hollow point and the whole scenario changes. Dramatically. So, again, I ask the question on the minds on many citizens ---- WHY do they need HOLLOW POINT rounds??? Even THEY won't answer that question, so I'm dying (no pun intended) to hear YOUR answer.

  13. And for 3:10, I have to tell you that most people NEVER call the police. And you think too much of yourself (if you're a cop) if you believe that you are the ONLY ones who can handle trouble and crime. LOL.... Cops are VERY good at tickets and paperwork, but saving me from a home invasion? I might as well call the Tooth Fairy. The only thing the police could do is call an ambulance for the bodies in my living room. HEY!!! Someone just drove by here without a seat belt!!! Better get on it before he gets away....

  14. If they were regular target rounds, they are generally half price of the hollow point killer rounds, These are NOT for target practice!

  15. You'll be the first one falling down crying! Oh Please Mr. Policeman protect me.

    January 7, 2013 3:10 PM

    I think you have that backwards.

    Who do you think will be some of the first targets?

  16. @ ImClain...ok, got your point. I guess that means we should all be stocking up about now. Time to hit the reloader...

  17. Seems pretty clear, from the comments here, that the heavy-handed, us against them, nit-picking harrassment, out and out murder, beatings, rapes, and seat belt tickets turning into a beating/murder that the police are quickly reaching a critical mass of hatred and animosity among the population. That revenue enhancement thing cops are so good at has angered enough people that when TSHTF, they better start wearing flannel shirts and jeans.


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