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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Delaware Hospice Lays Off Dozens Of Employees

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Shrinking federal reimbursements have led the Delaware Hospice to lay off dozens of employees.

The hospice's CEO, Susan Lloyd, tells the News Journal of Wilmington that the nonprofit healthcare provider has let 52 workers go.



  1. any particular reason why the federal government is funding delaware hospice.

    maybe this is part of the problem

  2. Hospice is mostly funded through Medicare/Medicaid 10:14. Most likely the Medicare cuts implimented by Obamacare is the sole reason behind this.

  3. See? Ya don't need death panels - just defunding, so the younger SSI & M/M recipients (or their caretakers) can keep on voting.

  4. So what are we supposed to do? Stay at home without any assistance and die alone or go to a facility where Medicare will have to pay more and die there. This does not make any sense. I thought home health care and hospice services were meant to save money over stays in facilities. Why would they cut the funding for them?

  5. It's part of Obamacare's cuts in Medicare, 17billion of which funded hospice care.
    People who are dying are going to end up going to the ER costing Medicare even more.
    It's another Obama fiasco-what happens when bills are speedily crafted so to get through while Congress was controlled by democrats who had to pass the bill before they read it.

  6. Massive layoffs are occuring across the country in all medical fields due to Obamacare. I feel sorry for those who are getting a pink slip that didn't vote for him.
    Too bad they can't single out those employees who voted for Obama and just lay them off. They deserve it for being so stupid as to vote for the fool.

  7. Medicare is broke, if the states want to fund these programs fine, we must stop looking to the federal government to fund everything
    this goes back to the idea that health care is a right. used to be the family would take care of these things. maybe we should go back to the family taking care of the family

  8. I agree with you to a point 11:47, except dying wihtout a bit of help is a slow process. Hospice kinda helps the process along by what amounts to dehydrating a person to death while on morphine to dull the side effects of kidney failure caused by dehydration.
    It sounds good if families could take care of the terminal patient but without hospice the death could take many months.

  9. yes 1:09 my point is we need to stop looking to the federal government to rely on this assistance. LOCAL not some federal agency

  10. lol, the screwies are out in force. "see, Obama is so terrible, how dare he cause this with his medicare cuts". Newsflash, you're the same crowd that supported candidates that would have made even more drastic cuts even faster. Newsflash #2, if you're soooooo against socialized healthcare, what are you complaining about any cuts in gov. medical spending for?

  11. Doesn't anyone think its strange that they are laying off workers but still planning to open a multimillion dollar facility?


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