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Friday, January 25, 2013

D.C. Man Who Shot Dogs Biting Boy Could Face Charges

D.C. police are investigating whether a man will face criminal charges for shooting a pit bull that was attacking a child in his neighborhood.

The incident unfolded Sunday afternoon, after three pit bulls attacked an 11-year-old boy as he rode his bicycle through the Brightwood neighborhood of Northwest, according to a police report.

When the man, a neighbor, saw the boy being mauled by the dogs, he went inside his home and got a gun. The man killed one of the dogs. The gunfire attracted the attention of a police officer in the area near Eighth and Sheridan streets, where the attack occurred. The officer responded and shot the other two pit bulls as they continued to attack the boy.



  1. Whoever charges this man is the one who should be shot.

  2. The man is a hero.

  3. Its sad when animals get more rights than people.

  4. He will be charged because the cop shot the child in the foot. The cop was not charged, it was all George Bushes fault.

  5. 2:50 It's not an animal rights issue but whether the man's weapon was registered and if he had a legal right to own it. The way to look at this is what's more important-a man trying to save a child's life or a man who possible had in his possession a firearm he wasn't legally allowed to have.
    The man is a hero. He most likely knew darn right well he didn't have the firearm legally but chose to risk his freedom to save a child.

  6. 3:20 If a war breaks out in the United States I want to make sure I register my 380 hand gun. Oh, wait a minute, I'd better register my baseball bat, my cordless drill, my 12" screwdriver, my sawsall, my electric hammer drill, and chain saw. Excuse me, I forgot my wood splitter, push mower, and electric toothbrush. The liberals have lost their minds.

  7. How you gonna charge the man when the cop did the same thing?

    Who cares, besides the court, if the gun was legal? bs

  8. 3:20 I do not wish to risk my freedom and I won't. That's why I own a gun that is not registered. When you register a gun, that's when you risk your freedom.

  9. 3:20 I do not wish to risk my freedom and I won't. That's why I own a gun that is not registered. When you register a gun, that's when you risk your freedom.

    January 25, 2013 at 4:07 PM


  10. 1:37,my thought exactly.

  11. DC stupid gun law? Like NYC Chicago laws that benefit the criminals? ..but do the right thing n this happens.? ..Hope he was n NRA member that defense fund will come in handy! The NRA will shove this so far up the libtards rear...but three dogs! obviously gonna kill this kid ! he was justified regardless of stupid law..unless he was a felon?

  12. I'll bet the judge in this case would have wanted the man to blast those dogs to save HIS child, but since it wasn't, its off to prison for the egregious offender. Examples have to be made. For the serfs, that is.....Bet you something else, too. The judge packs some heat and the cop has a couple of guns in his house and they AIN'T "police issue". Both of them might be needing them soon because people are not going to allow the ruling elite to disarm them. The sooner we that going, the better....

  13. .unless he was a felon?

    January 25, 2013 at 6:16 PM

    You rather the FELON let the kid get killed?

    Most of our government are felons!

    That is a bs restriction if you ask me.


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