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Saturday, January 19, 2013



  1. One great man. One great speech.

  2. He has lost his edge.

  3. Another good red blooded American.

  4. I can already imagine obama and his cohorts re-thinking their positions because of this great "speech". Yep. Thats all we needed to do to keep our rights and honor the Constitution. ONE MORE great speech. They are laughing their ass off at the impotence of the people. We sure showed them.

  5. Thanks, Dan, The Constitution and its Amendments are an easy read for anyone who has graduated 3 rd grade before 1962 in about 20 minutes. (Not sure about those taught today)

    Te Declaration of Independence takes about the same, but I like to make it last longer, comparing the troubles that were instituting the constitution back then to what is happening today in politics.

  6. It does not appear to be a very diverse crowd. Was there any support from anyone other than white english speaking country folk?

  7. This was not a "diversity" class or assembly....and as a reminder, "country folk" set this country free. That is, of course, a great leap of assumption, thinking that most people know anything about how and why our country was founded. It WASN'T by "executive order", really mean editorials, peaceful demonstrations, or slogans. It WAS resisted by the sheep back then, and it looks like history is repeating itself today. I'd rather be accused of wearing a"tin foil hat" (which sounds so cool to liberal ninnies) than of wearing cotton panties....

  8. Imclain thanks for your take on history. Mine may be a little different yet eerily simular. I believe it to be true that we were in fact mainly rural and a diverse mix of individuals of mainly Euopean decent. We did in fact defeat the British to win our independance and came together as a fledgling nation. In that process we bonded together for a myriad of reasons including self preservation. The country was founded from the spilt blood of our forefathers fighting for their freedom. Upon the writing of the constitution certain unaliable rights were agreed upon including the second which gave us all the right to bear arms. This was the late 1700's. Modern warfare of the time was rifle and cannon? I believe the tin is in your head not upon it. Our forefathers could not have envisioned modern warfare and nor do I think they would have wanted that fire power so easily accessed by ninnies, nuts, or crazies in their neighborhoods. Would we even be a nation if we fought the British with high-powered assault rifles with 20 round clips? Much Love, Boxer Briefs


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