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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Critics Complain Sandy Aid Tied To Other Projects

Conservatives and watchdog groups are mounting a "not-so-fast" campaign against a $50.7 billion Superstorm Sandy aid package that Northeastern governors and lawmakers hope to push through the House this coming week.

Their complaint is that lots of the money that lawmakers are considering will actually go toward recovery efforts for past disasters and other projects unrelated to the late-October storm.

A Senate-passed version from the end of the last Congress included $150 million for what the Commerce Department described as fisheries disasters in Alaska, Mississippi and the Northeast, and $50 million in subsidies for replanting trees on private land damaged by wildfires.



  1. It's a laundry list of pork, and there's no way to know how much money is actually going to help the victims. More garbage produced by our idiot leaders/crooks.

  2. But some people want to complain that people who voted against this were wrong REALLY?


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