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Sunday, January 13, 2013

CONFIRMED!! They Are Filtering Your Comments

I posted another comment in support of the mayor and it was approved!!! This is SICK!!! Luckily you have an ace under your sleeve called sbynews!

Those mothers!!! Good luck buddy, I hope you can win and beat the local establishment! Teach others about the times we are living in, we need a leader who is "awake"!!!



  1. Well WBOC sucks anyway,unless you live in Delaware,because that all they seem to talk about and a weather update every 5 minutes!

  2. I agree, they are horrible and they are making huge money. They are ripping off every single business that pays for their advertising.

    I would know because I am an expert in this field and have attempted to do biz with them. I could not give away free money. They charge a minimum of 3k for a advertising campaign that will bring you hardly any traffic!! PFFFFF No thanks!

  3. I just went to the link, and looked at all the comments. What's interesting is the "Likes & Flags" scores! ALL comments for Albero are "Likes", and ALL comments against Albero are disliked!

    Anyway, for the record, I just posted a positive comment there here at 8:50 am Sunday, and I'll bet it won't get posted! There are only 18 posted there in 4 DAYS!!!!! Kinda like the comments on Joe's articles! not.

  4. So what? Waahh waahh they won't let me play in the sandbox. I knew this is how it would be when you ran.

  5. So what? Uhm, the media is not supposed to be bias in regards to politics. Yeah, so what? Who cares about corruption right? Foolish people, this is why we are controlled by the NWO.

  6. @8:57

    The Ireton comment was posted after you, so consider your comment FILTERED.

  7. Joe you don't need any other news outlet to help you win. So relax. No one wants Jim to win. You got this Man!

  8. I don't trust any news outlet. I read or watch what they say and decide for myself. Joe's plan for our area is more sound then Jim's and this what I will base my vote on. Each and everyone of us have done or said something that maybe we wish we didn't. That is what makes us Human. So Joe you have vote. Keep your head high.

  9. It won't change until they can Steve Hammond -- he's "BOC's" answer to Greg Bassett.

  10. The way I see it... the Daily Times is about to fold and WBOC is taking on their people little by little.

  11. I foresee a problem with WBOC being bias.
    Unfortunately the senior citizens are still living like the Flintstones and naively and ignorantly trust the untrustworthy local media.

  12. They posted some positive comments about you Joe but more importantly, look at the responses to the comments. The responses are definitely in favor of you. This is like a straw poll.

  13. I think Joe Albero is a better candidate

  14. I saw that too 12:40 I posted a comment in favor of Joe and change and it was taken down. I didn't bash Ireton at all and think WBOC is being biased for a fact. That's just dirty pool! Not to my surprise I guess, bad enough the Daily Times and Toilet get's away with that stuff.

  15. @ JW 8:31 Even if you live in Delaware WBOC still sucks BIG TIME.

  16. I was a democrat and THIS is exactly why i am not anymore.

  17. Ace up you sleeve doesnt help when your playing kings

  18. "An ace up your sleeve" are you suggesting that Joe cheats to win?

  19. I enjoy Salisbury News.

  20. So where are Joe? At home or your pretend apartment? Your voters want to know.

  21. And not one word on any site about Ireton exposing himself in a ladies room. Does no one care?

  22. anonymous 6:38, There is no pretend apartment in Salisbury and that is exactly where I am.

    I have never kept it a secret that I do spend time in Delmar on weekends with my Family but unfortunately I came down with the flu last Wednesday and have been confined to my apartment.

    I have not been out and about because I did not want to take the chance of getting someone else sick.

    HOWEVER, if YOU would like to come down here and meet me downstairs I'd be more than happy to come down there and shake YOUR hand.

  23. Just ignore the pot stirrers and name callers, Joe. Not worth the time.

  24. Don't let them try to come up with some bs excuse like "it was the weekend". They approved my pro ireton comment on a Sunday morning!

  25. WBOC doesn't realize things happen on the ES of Virginia as well. All they care about is Delaware. It's all about money. Watch where their advertisements are. I gave up on WBOC a long time ago. WMDT is soooooo much better. Daily times is as much as gone and WBOC will be next at the rate they are going.

  26. Anon 6:38 and others who are throwing a lot of “heat” at Joe regarding his move to reside in Salisbury:

    Face the facts - he did have any harmful ulterior motives in mind when he moved to Salisbury and he obviously does not want to become Salisbury’s mayor for the money or power.

    From what he has proven to everyone is that he made the move with good and honorable intentions in mind to make Salisbury a better place for its citizens to reside in and for its businesses to succeed in.

  27. Please end the reign of terror by Teresa Gardener...look at the turnover rate in the city since she's been here!


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