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Friday, January 25, 2013


January 28, 2013 6:00 p.m.

Government Office Building Room 301

Times shown for agenda items are estimates only.

6:00 p.m.


6:01 p.m.


6:06 p.m.


6:08 p.m.


• Mason Dixon Woodworkers – restoration of the Historic Smokehouse at

Poplar Hill Mansion

6:13 p.m.


6:15 p.m.

CONSENT AGENDA – City Clerk Kim Nichols

• January 7, 2013 work session minutes

• January14, 2013 regular meeting minutes

• Manufacturing Exemption request – Machining Technologies, Inc. (Matech)

• Resolution No. 2247 - accepting the donation of materials for the restoration 
of the Historic Smokehouse at the Poplar Hill Mansion

• Resolution No. 2248 – appointing Jennifer Downing to the Traffic and Safety 
Advisory Committee for a term ending July 31, 2015

• Resolution No. 2249 – appointing Darnell J. Coleman to the Traffic and Advisory Committee for a term ending July 31, 2015

6:20 p.m.

AWARD OF BIDS – Assistant Internal Services Director-Procurement Catrice Parsons

• Declaration of Surplus-Pedestrian Signal

• Change Order #8-A-07-09 R2 Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Program

• Change Order #4 to Contract 118-10 Rehabilitation of Park Wells

• Change Order #1 to RFP 06-10 Eng Svc for Wells

• Award Eng Svc for Citywide Pump Station Inventory and Assessment

6:30 p.m.

RESOLUTION – City Administrator John Pick

• Resolution No. 2250 – authorizing the Mayor to sign an agreement extending the cable franchise agreement with Comcast of Delmarva, LLC until July 9, 2013

6:45 p.m.

ORDINANCES – City Attorney Mark Tilghman

• Ordinance No. 2229 – 2nd reading & Public Hearing – to close and abandon an area of land being the unimproved roadbeds of Ascension Drive and Centurion Drive and the easements that adjoin said roadbeds, located in Beaglin Crossing Business Park in the City of Salisbury, Parsons Election District, Wicomico County, State of Maryland

• Ordinance No. 2230 – 1st reading – amending False Alarm Fees and 
designating certain reoccurring false alarms within the same calendar year at the same property location as municipal infractions

• Ordinance No. 2231 – 1st reading – to eliminate fourteen parking spaces and provide three bus parking spaces on the east side of Wayne Street adjacent to the Salisbury University Stadium

• Ordinance No. 2232 – 1st reading – approving an amendment of the FY 13 General Fund and Water and Sewer Fund Budgets to appropriate funds to 
cover the City’s cost for a pay and classification study

7:45 p.m.


8:00 p.m.



  1. Still nothing about getting rid of the acting fire chief. Hasn't this been going on for over a year now?

  2. That's right. Ireton has done nothing for a year. Question is, does he truly want Hoppes that bad or is he just looking for something else to blame the council for, especially at election time. Not much the council can do until the mayor gets a clue.

    I know some employees at the city. They aren't too impressed with the way the teacher handles pay, staffing or grievances.

  3. How many water/sewer studies do the taxpayer's have to pay for before they get it right?

  4. Many years ago I was a member of a local county's Sanitary Commission.
    We had lots of studies and they all said the same thing; sh** flows downhill.

  5. Anonymous said...
    That's right. Ireton has done nothing for a year. Question is, does he truly want Hoppes that bad or is he just looking for something else to blame the council for, especially at election time. Not much the council can do until the mayor gets a clue.

    I know some employees at the city. They aren't too impressed with the way the teacher handles pay, staffing or grievances.

    January 25, 2013 at 3:51 PM

    Ireton doesn't want Hoppes as the fire chief or he would have selected him the first go round. He is only doing this to start trouble with the city council members. Don't worry Mr. Ireton in April you will be able to go back to school teaching full time.

  6. If I were a bettin' man, I'd say Ireton is just using this Hoppes nomination and Hoppes to get the fire fighters p.o.'d to campaign against Debbie Campbell.

    If they do, my support for them will not exist. I'd like to think these guys and gals are smarter than that, but these days, you just never know.

  7. Anonymous said...
    If I were a bettin' man, I'd say Ireton is just using this Hoppes nomination and Hoppes to get the fire fighters p.o.'d to campaign against Debbie Campbell.

    If they do, my support for them will not exist. I'd like to think these guys and gals are smarter than that, but these days, you just never know.

    January 25, 2013 at 8:45 PM

    If the truth be known the firefighters don't want Hoppes either. If I remember correctly there was a story on here about the firefighters voting for the guy from Ohio instead of Hoppes. That in itself showed poor leadership on the part of Ireton to allow the employees to vote for their boss because he didn't have the guts to make the right decision.

  8. The fire department has Hoppes, the wastewater plant is broke, the water plant is run by an unlicensed wastewater cast off, crime is not down and the public works director is insane. Sound about right? Good job Jim. Good job.

  9. Joe, that brings up a good point. Like them or not, Pam Oland, Jeff Simpson, Joel Hamilton and John Wright were knowledgable, hardworking and loved what they did. They just got tired of the poor leadership and games played in the mayor's office. What do you think needs to be changed so we can attract and retain quality folks?

  10. Didn't the guy from Ohio turn out to have something odd in his past? Or am I thinking of somebody else?

  11. 8:29 have you heard that 80% of the engineers have left the city. While there is no doubt that the ones that worked on the wastewater plant needed to go Teresa Gardner is driving good people away from the city. Joe, have you dug up her background at DelDot? I suggest that you do. I've heard rumors...

  12. Anonymous said...
    Didn't the guy from Ohio turn out to have something odd in his past? Or am I thinking of somebody else?

    January 26, 2013 at 10:04 AM

    Yes he had numerous harassment and sexual harassment charges brought against him numerous times and he was finally forced out. He was suing the local fire union because he was passed over for over 100 jobs. He lost the law suit.

    Judge dismisses Ohio ex-fire chief's lawsuit targeting union

    Becker claimed he had lost one job and been passed over for more than 90 others as a result of what he says were malicious claims by the union

    Ironically this guy was Jim Ireton's top choice for fire chief a second time even though citizens did their own background check on this guy and found he would have been a liability to the city as the new fire chief. Ireton even paid for his flight and room and board for a second interview(with our tax dollars). Goes to show you how someone can doctor a great resume on paper. Also speaks volumes about our poor leadership from this school teacher wannabe mayor. Jim Ireton should be forced to pay Mr. Becker's flight and room and board charges back to the city.

  13. January 26, 2013 at 8:29 AM

    You are obviously a clueless individual. Pam Oland was only hired because she was a friend of Barrie Tilghman and she had no qualifications to be a department head. Jeff Simpson was a friend of a friend of a city council member and had a padded resume. He never worked a day in his life as a firefighter so how can you say he was a good pick for the job just because he was knowledgeable, hard working and loved what he did? Ten good employees left or were forced out of the fire department in 2 weeks under Jeff Simpson. Those employees were more knowledgeable and hard working that Jeff Simpson ever dreamed about being. They were even more qualified to be the fire chief than Jeff Simpson.

  14. The only reason Rick Hoppes got the little support he did after Jeff Simpson left is because the members were desperate and afraid they would get another fake chief like Jeff Simpson.

  15. I guess the question still stands and it sounds like you were probably friends with one of the four who actually left for other job opportunities and not because they were forced out. Its okay Larry because you are gone now with the rest of them. We are better for it.

  16. Pam Oland graduated from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. That school is considered the best business school in the country. Donald Trump sent his kids there! You might not have liked Pam, but she was an educated woman that ate a lot of crap working for far less money than she deserved (or is making now). The city lost a talented person when she left.

  17. 2:31 you are far from accurate, but good attempt. Try again.


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