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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: President Obama Unveils Gun-Control Proposal

President Obama will announce his plan to stem gun violence with a call to again ban military-style assault weapons and limit high-capacity magazines. WATCH LIVE at 11:55 a.m. ET on Fox News and FoxNews.com.


  1. let the games begin.

  2. what part of "Shall not be infringed" is ambiguous?

  3. Great proposals. We need to clean this mess up now. You are no more entitled to an assualt weabon that you are to a rocket launcher.

  4. Anonymous said...
    Great proposals. We need to clean this mess up now. You are no more entitled to an assualt weabon that you are to a rocket launcher.

    January 16, 2013 at 12:57 PM

    What is an assault "weabon?" Who says we are not entitled to a rocket launcher? Can you cite that law?

  5. its ok for we the people to get cleaned up but not the US government they can sell to drug dealer that have killed more than Sandy Hook but thats ok because they are GOD. they cant even track the guns they sell to gangsters but want to track ours.

  6. 12:57 has no idea what the defining characteristics of an assault weapon actually are. Another misinformed, knee jerk reactionary.

  7. Great proposals. We need to clean this mess up now. You are no more entitled to an assualt weabon that you are to a rocket launcher.

    January 16, 2013 at 12:57 PM

    Whatever fits in our two hands is what we have a right to.

    We have a right to be equally armed as any police and government entity.

    How can a society protect against tyranny if they cannot match the weapons of their opponents?

    The government wants their 'subjects'disarmed. This is becoming clearer with each act they make.

    They are using these tragedies, real or fake, as a launching pad for their goals of disarming the american people.

    I will not obey. I will kill and be killed to fight this.

    Call me/us crazy. Call us tin foil wearing conspiracy nuts. Call us what you will.

    It will not change the situations. Some can see, some are blind. Some can hear, some are deaf.

    Crawl in a hole and hide for all I care. Just stay the hell out of our way.

  8. "You are no more entitled to an assualt weabon that you are to a rocket launcher."

    And you are not entitled to dictate what I can/can't do, either.


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