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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Clinton Testifies On Benghazi Terror Attack

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton begins a day of testimony on Capitol Hill before Senate and House committees looking into the deadly Sept. 11 terror attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. WATCH LIVE on Fox News and FoxNews.com beginning at 9 a.m. ET.


  1. Sure, now that's she's had 4 months to get her story straight! Nothing but lies will come out of her stupid mouth!

  2. This shows her in a poor enough light to keep her out of the "run" in 2016, imo. (paving the way for a third term, probably by executive order...blah, blah, blah.)

  3. She did not have sex with Bill LOL!

    She probably lies as good as he did

  4. I started watching it until my eyes glazed over.

  5. She must be healthy enough to be seen on TV after the plane wreck. A very wise person once said "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see"

  6. You will never out-talk a Clinton. Plain & simple

  7. As is Obama, just another Democrat with no qualifications, given a job that she knew nothing about, except for the lying part of the job.

  8. Sen McCain's asking some hard quesions. Can't wait to see how she filibusters her way out of this one.

  9. Its all about the video! Get it straight people.

  10. Clinton needs to put her Big Girl pants on and answer the questions instead of feighing disgust over some of the questions asked.
    This hearing makes it clear why she was a failure as a lawyer, which BTW the Obama's failed at miserably also.

  11. She is pretty confident now in front of her Senate majority of dumbocrats.

  12. I'm getting sick of her laughing and giggling. I don't find anything amusing about the murder of four Americans.

  13. Didn't answer anything, reveal anything, or say anything of importance. A show. Perfect candidate for President. And the tears and fake indignation would put her in the running for an Academy Award. We are STILL trying to determine "what happened"? And it's STILL under investigation? They WATCHED the action LIVE and don't know what happened?


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