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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Bill To Put Squeeze On Toll Evaders Begins To Take Shape

The days of getting a free pass at Maryland's toll plazas might soon come to an end for scofflaws who have been cheating without fear of penalty.

The General Assembly will be asked to toughen the toll evasion law to include a $50 citation — and the possible suspension of vehicle registration.

"That's the biggest hammer we could possibly have," said Harold Bartlett, executive director of the Maryland Transportation Authority, the agency that runs toll bridges, tunnels and roads.


  1. OH no, there not after your money... NO that can't be.... they would never do that...

  2. You cannot suspend an out of state registration so increase the fine.

  3. 11:22 you certainly can suspend a tourist depending on their state of residency. They will do it over a parking ticket also.


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