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Friday, January 25, 2013

Beefing Up Security

The State Department is moving quickly to beef up security at missions worldwide. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton repeated that refrain in back-to-back congressional hearingsyesterday. She called the September attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, highly personal for both the families of the four victims and herself. Diplomats stationed there repeatedly had asked for more security. Clinton said she never saw those requests. She chided lawmakers for cutting funds for embassy security over the years.


  1. Instead of just getting out period from where we are'nt wanted security is beefed up.Is it just me or has our whole country gone crazy?

  2. Will they be beefing up security using more men and more GUNS? because I'm pretty sure these same "guns are awful" people don't mind guns when it comes to protecting THEM. They just don't trust
    "we, the people" not to use OURS on THEM. Rightly so....


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