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Friday, January 25, 2013

Barack Obama Provides Landing Pad For Fly

The buzzing insect stole the show as the President announced two new members of his second administration, cutting wild loops around the leader of the free world before landing squarely on his forehead.

The official White House transcript simply reads: "This guy is bothering me here - (swatting at a fly.)"

Meanwhile, the pool report which describes the President's movements throughout the day noted that "the president spoke for about five minutes while being menaced by a house fly".

It wasn't the first time Mr Obama has shared camera time with a fly. In June 2009, the newly-elected president dealt some tough justice to one which interrupted an interview.



  1. Fly must have thought it was a pile dog turds

  2. Isn't that one of the signs of The Apocalypse?

  3. Flys do have an inherent ability to know crap when they see it. This proves flys are smarter than most voters.

  4. Well, B.S. attracts flies and his lips are moving.

  5. Fly marks the spot

  6. Someone get a baseball bat and kill that dang fly.

  7. its a dot not a fly lol

  8. Only a comedian could get away with suggesting they shoot that fly with a sawed-off shotgun.


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