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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bali Brit Woman Lindsay Sandiford Sentenced To Death For Drugs


  1. 12:56....with your LIFE???? Heil Hitler! Maybe some of the government condoned DRUG ADDICTS can weigh in --- you know, the cigarette smokers and alcoholics? Those two items (uopn which the government makes BILLIONS every year, kill more Americans in 12 months than OTHER drugs have done in the last 50 years. Lets kill them FIRST. I'm sure that after this woman is murdered, all drug use in Mali will come to a screeching halt. Like it has in Saudi Arabia and Iran.

  2. 10:11 PM

    You just can't get through to some people. They can't see past their nose until it happens to them. And then it is a different story.

  3. I don't agree with the death penalty for that crime but she MUST have known the laws there and maybe we should have harsher laws here then it would slow down the drug issues here.


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