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Monday, January 28, 2013

Aurora Health Care Says It Will Lay Off Employees Because Of Obamacare

It looks like Obamacare is having some negative effects on the industry it was intended to help.

Dr. Nick Turkal, CEO of Wisconsin-based non-profit health care provider Aurora Health Care, announced earlier this month that his employer would be cutting jobs due to Obamacare, The Journal Times reports. In a letter to employees he wrote that the company would be receiving $13 million less in government reimbursements forcing it to make “position eliminations plus discontinuation of some positions in the coming weeks.”

The cuts will be small considering Aurora’s 30,000 current employees but things could get worse in the future. Already, staff has been instructed to cut costs by avoiding making color copies; physicians serving Medicare patients may receive a cut in payments.


  1. I think it's fair to say that "Obamacare" was intended to help CERTAIN insurance companies. I guess Aurora wasn't one of the chosen ones.

  2. How many more stories like this will they have to hear before the Obamanistas admit that Obamacare is a massive failure?

  3. Is was never intended to lower your insurance.It has raised the price to provide the ones on welfare better care.I still can not believe anybody that works for a living voted for him.

  4. .I still can not believe anybody that works for a living voted for him.

    January 28, 2013 at 7:59 PM

    ESPECIALLY after the first fourible years.

    Every time one of his kind touches a building or a neighborhood, it turns to crap.

    Property values go down, neighborhood turns in a ghetto, spike in crime, drug addicts everywhere, home invasions, car jackings, hookers, murders, dog fights, you name it.

    At least they are having tons of babies and won't be much of a minority much longer.

    I wonder if all that was part of 'the dream' MLK had.

    They movin' on up, to the big house in the sky.

  5. Puck the Democrats....vote RepublicanJanuary 29, 2013 at 4:42 AM

    It is a tax and can be gotten rid of.

  6. "Obamacare will lower insurance costs.The Affordable Care Act will lower insurance premiums for most Americans. First, it requires everyone to have insurance and eliminates free loaders. Second, it requires insurance companies to spend money on services and not overhead"

    7:59-Obama and dems were using lower premiums as a selling point for Obamacare.
    And yes 7:42 everything Obama does is intended to help pad the wallets of some big company or the Wall St bankers. This is why it's never a good idea to elect a peon for president. Since they've never had a pot to take a leak in they end up being nothing more than slaves to big business. Obama so far has been the worst.

  7. Hope they started by going to the parking lot and looking for Obama stickers. These MORONS need to know their actions have consequences.....

  8. So lay them off. There are many reasons companies lay off employees. Get over it.

  9. 6:09 please stop smoking whatever is altering your mind.

  10. The so called "fiscal cliff" is going to be nothing compared to the layoffs and job eliminations directly caused only and by Obamacare.
    Yes, too bad these layoffs couldn't be limited to Obama supporters so we can laugh at them and say---TOLD YOU SO, YOU MORON!

  11. Okay 10:07 They do tell one thing that Obama has done that didn't benefit big business? It wouldn't be so bad if it benefitted the public also but everything he does only benefits large corporations.


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