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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Arrest Numbers Signal 9 Percent Jump In Illegal Immigration In 2012

Even as President Obama travels to Las Vegas Tuesday to call for legalizing illegal immigrants, the latest numbers from the U.S. Border Patrol suggest that the flow across the nation’s southwest border jumped by 9 percent last year.

The Border Patrol made 356,873 arrests along the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2012, up from 327,577 in 2011, according to figures obtained by the Associated Press and confirmed by The Washington Times. Border Patrol officials estimate that apprehensions are a good proxy for illegal crossings, so when the numbers go up, it means that the flow of illegal immigrants is going up as well.

Last year’s increase marks a reversal. Apprehensions peaked in 2005 at 1.2 million and had been steadily dropping every year since as first President George W. Bush and then Mr. Obama committed more manpower and resources to the border.



  1. Go to any Perdue or Mountaire plant and 60% of them are illegal. Get them outta here!!

  2. I am a hugh critic of the chicken processing plants because of their low wages which force workers to seek government entitlements to survive but I do know that most of the foreign employees who work there have proper immigration (Visa) status or permanent residency. There may be a few that get in under the radar but these companies do make all efforts necessary to comply with employee/immigration rules.


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