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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Alex Jones Piers Morgan Part 2.


  1. Stop it. Stop watching this stuff. Alex Jones is an agent of the government. He was sent there to discredit gun owners and make us all look stupid.

    This is all theater- nothing more. Are you fit? Do you have escape plans for when the chaos starts? Get on it, and stop wasting time on this stuff.

  2. Does he really think anyone can take him seriously?

  3. Alex Jones is no government agent. A little animated, but if you're awake and a student of history, and have children. You will act the same way when you truly understand what is happening right in our faces. The deception, the corruption, the greed, the destruction of the family. Planned demise with demonic influence behind it all in my humble opinion. The truth may scare you.

  4. I see he did his research. Looks like a man with the facts to me. And most people hate that. Time to watch CNN so I can be misinformed.

  5. Just because he is aggressive and passionate about our rights in this country, He makes us gun owners look bad ? you need to get a grip , i say we need more people with balls and passion and to stand up for our 2nd amendment instead of a bunch of Anonymous sitting at home ready to give up our rights remember this.. Veterans fought and died so you could sit behind an Anonymous button...God Bless America.

  6. If he wants someone to listen to him his needs to speak with them not at them. He won't let Piers get in one word. Ridiculous.

  7. Check out Larry Pratt on piers from a week ago on YouTube and see if your opinion is the same 1:44, karma

  8. As someone who WANTS new gun laws in place, I hope Alex Jones never shuts up and never calms down. If he isn't cointelpro, he should be.


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