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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Albero Announces Run For Mayor

Annoucement Remarks


  1. Wind covered some important stuff.

  2. Great job joe at least you have the balls to do something about slumberry.

  3. Clean up this city starting with city hall!

  4. I saw Ireton on Fox at 5pm call you a gossip blogger. Funny he wasn't calling you a gossip blogger when he wanted your help to get him elected the last time. Stay out of the women's bathroom Jimmy!

  5. Very Very good job Joe!

  6. How come it cut off did you answer questions or just read a speech? I want to hear the answers to the questions or did you not take questions?

  7. Teresa Gardner has to go!

  8. great start joe go get em

  9. Why is Jim bothering woman in bathrooms does he like to Squat while peeing.

  10. Delaware Blogger?

  11. The best that incompetant buffon can say is he running against a delaware blogger gossip columnist with a md license wake up jim your record speaks volumes of failure u did nothing !!!!

  12. Ask Jim how much of that sixteen million dollar surplus came from lawsuit settlement from the waste water treatment plant. He's a scam artist.

  13. you go joe we'll all help all we can.
    thanks sjd

  14. GO JoEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Ireton is talking trash the 1st chance he possibly could so be prepared for a polarized campaign and be sure to gather up as many bones from the tons of skeletons in LIARton's closet for ammo Joe. That lying effeminate possesses no character or integrity and he thinks his only hope to win is a smear campaign strategy.

  16. Love it! Love It! Love It!

    Jim is toast!

  17. Relax Joe you have this Election in the bag.

  18. I plan on voting for Joe, but why do the vast majority of the blog readers always make homophobic and anti-gay comments? Who cares if someone is gay? Who cares what they do behind closed doors? Why not focus on the content, on the platform items? I do, and for that reason alone I am voting for Joe. I think he can do good things for the City. Whether he or Jim are gay doesn't matter to me. Stop being small minded and stop the hate speech. It is not needed...

  19. Awesome news Albero. You said you were going to do it and honestly I had my doubts but you did it. Give them all you got and you will win.

  20. SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Finally one fine looking man in the Mayor's Office. :)

    1. Anon 8:16 - perhaps some of us our Christians and would rather not have a gay man as our town's Mayor who can now marry his boyfriend with the passage of the MD men to be husband & husband.
      My children are taught that homosexuality is immoral & unGodly so I speak on behalf of many area Christians for Ireton to move to Rehoboth with his boyfriends and try to be Mayor of that city-not ours!

  22. To all Albero supporters:

    Help Joe by taking the HIGH ROAD like the example is he is setting!

    Stop making comments about gays. Like someone said, who cares, it's not the issue.

    Stop the hate talk. Stick to the issues.

    Joe did something I have seldom heard from a candidate or official, except maybe those two ladies, and I do mean ladies, who run the city council, and that is admit his mistakes and shown he has learned from them!

    Ireton has never done that and if he starts, his fingers will be crossed behind his back.

    Be a good supporter and conduct yourself like the man you support. Salisbury will be a better town for it.

  23. but why do the vast majority of the blog readers always make homophobic and anti-gay comments? Who cares if someone is gay? Who cares what they do behind closed doors? Why not focus on the content, on the platform items? I do, and for that reason alone I am voting for Joe. I think he can do good things for the City. Whether he or Jim are gay doesn't matter to me. Stop being small minded and stop the hate speech. It is not needed...

    January 8, 2013 8:16 PM

    Because we don't like them and it's against what the bible teaches.

  24. 6;32 with all due respect, if Christians choose to voice their opinion in regards to their preference to not to vote for a homosexual to be the mayor of our city then it is our prerogative and 1st Amendment RIGHT just as it was your prerogative and right as well.
    America is still a free country, remember?

  25. 8:36, I am not 8:16, but I agree with those comments and the one 8:36 posted.

    It is no secret that Ireton is gay. I am a Christian, too, but Jesus taught tolerance. But let's not argue about that. I certainly defend your right and belief to raise your children as you see fit.

    I think these two posters are right, though. If you make this race about who is gay and who isn't, the election is all about personal stuff instead of leadership. When things get personal, the result is never good.

    Believe what you want, but keep it private or among your friends. "Out there," the campaign has to be about the issues. Personal attacks backfire. Ireton has already made a fool of himself for personally attacking Joe.

    All that said, I do wish the truth would come one way or the other about Ireton's misbehaving in public recently. I hate to say it, but with Ireton's track record, I lean to believing it.

  26. Nice job Joe. You got this. Your ideas egarding the downtown area are awesome. They will work and I can't wait to see it happpen. I will take my wife there every weekend. My relatives will come to visit it. I hope you can get it up and running the first year you are in office. But it's whatever......lol

  27. Back to real issues - I have to hand it to you, Joe. This is an excellent statement. You laid out the truth about Ireton's claims without getting nasty. I was shocked he had the nerve to claim he didn't raise taxes after he proposed them in the last budget and nearly brought the city to its knees with his threats.

    Keep this up top for tomorrow morning. A lot of people might have missed it tonight.

    You look, sound and act mayoral. You sound sincere, experienced and adult.

    A businessman vs. an elementary school teacher who sets a terrible example for children. Not a hard choice for me. Every registered voter in Salisbury should see/hear this message you gave.

  28. Have you heard about Jim-beau's campaign headquarters at Mojo's -- the women's bathroom (his penal place).

  29. His plan for downtown is to make it worse than it is.And where does his crime figures come from?

  30. 8:55 presents a valid point in regards to his statement of - "Ireton has already made a fool of himself for personally attacking Joe."
    As I stated in 1 of my posts yesterday, Salisbury's voters must ponder upon the following quotes by Abe Lincoln & Ben Franklin respectively when they vote:

    “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." and…

    ”Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do.”

  31. A "True" leader ALWAYS takes accountability for their actions that are mistakes & gives credit to others' successful accomplishments when credit is due. Ireton does neither. His statements prove to all of us that he blames others for his mistakes & takes the credit of others' accomplishments.

    This truly proves to all of us on MD's Lower Eastern Shore that he is an untrustworthy and is a man who does not possess the qualities of character or integrity, which are a crucial qualities required of a leader.

    He had his chance to be Salisbury's leader and failed, so we all need to - VOTE ALBERO!!!

  32. but Jesus taught tolerance

    He wasn't very tolerant at the money changers was he?

  33. 8:18pm

    Thats a face only a mother can love, LOL. Good Job Joe!!! You will be a great mayor.

  34. 8:45 is absolutely right and God has displayed his wrath upon many people throughout history and he will be displaying his anger 1 last time in the near future upon the immoral and wicked.

  35. See folks, this is the problem with the blog.
    Too many of you don't want to stick to the issues. You'd rather spew your venom and hatred.
    Stick to the story! I don't come on that often because I get so sick and tired of the hate filled mud slinging a number of you do. Get a life!
    Congratulations Joe and good luck to you. Salisbury does need a LEADER and someone who isn't in it for the money they can make (on the side).

  36. As 6:04 said when the new mayor takes over Teresa Gardner should be the first one booted out the door.

  37. Stop the religious stuff already and lets talk about the real issue the mayoral-ship.

  38. 10:18 is right, BUT let's face it-Ireton has streeeeetched the truth on several occasions and from what I gathered from watching him on WBOC's news was Ireton IMMEDIATELY attempting to belittle Joe and bash his character.
    If everyone wants to stick to the issues, then Ireton needs to be honorable via sticking to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but...THE TRUTH.

  39. Earlier this month when Ireton announced his reelection bid he said this:

    "Salisbury has $16 Million in surplus and I haven’t raised property taxes as mayor."

    From The Daily Record/April 30, 2012:

    "The Daily Times reports that Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton has proposed raising the property tax rate to 1.5 cents. It hasn’t changed in four years and the city’s tax base has decreased by $221 million."

  40. The mayor needs to resign his conduct is unbecoming of the office, going out and taking OFF his shirt in bars then harassing young ladies in mojos bathroom and urinating in there while he was asked to leave i know for a FACT that the children that he teaches have more class than this fool...Resign Now Mayor before the whip comes down.

  41. I keep reading about the Mayor's scandalous & perverted behavior at Mojo's on this site, but have yet to hear about it elsewhere.
    Why isn't this issue being addressed to Ireton and why are we not hearing it on MSM? Is this yet another case that MD's Lower Eastern Shore residents need to be aware of and the papers & MSM is keeping "hush-hush" and not confronting our "Fearless Leader" for some reason unbeknownst to most of us?
    I feel that it is crucial that somebody confront Ireton about this incident and that he inform the public of the facts & the truth.

  42. Hey Albero, who wrote that for you, your grandson? Sounds like something one might expect to hear from a girl running for glass president of her sixth grade.

  43. hey 5:23 looks like a sixth grader knows how to spell a lot better than you,idiot.

  44. Joe, you have more supporters than you think you have. Bye-Bye Ireton-sk1!

  45. Joe, your a visionary that Salisbury desperatly needs! The lack of leadership from the top over the years has destroyed any real progress needed to take this city to the next level. You are the man to do it! Your speech was very professional and you delivered a fair and honest picture of the shenagians that have taken place under the current Mayor. Unfortunately, the truth hurts and not everyone will admit to it. Salisbury has lost a lot of quality citizens..moving to other states, cities and towns. It will take time and patience, but with your connections, influence, leadership, knowledge, dedication to the.city, and your business experience you are the man for the job. I commend you for not backing down and staying true to your vision of what Salisbury can be. You have a lot of guts and I respect that. You don't have to be doing this...but that's why I and many others like you! Because you are doing it anyway! when most people just sit back and complain and don't step up to the plate to do anything about it or hide behind anaomyus comments...you risk it all and take action! Go get it Joe! We got your back! You got this in the bag!


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