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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Albero Announces For Mayor

Press Release

Annoucement Remarks (Full Text)


  1. This needs to be ON TOP!!!

    Great remarks!

  2. Nice speech, Joe. But downtown is going to suck so long as the building owners are content to let it suck. Throwing government money and energy at the issue will, at worst, be a total waste. At best, it's going to be corporate welfare and a transfer of wealth from the renting citizens to the wealthy land owners. Neither outcome is good or just. The best thing that we can do as a city is get out of the way and let those who want to risk their capital build something on their own.

  3. 4:43 PM...Tax them untill they care.

  4. For some reason the Press Release is saying the file and damaged and I couldn't pull it up.
    No problem with the Remarks link. I thought they were great also. I agree with you as I am also a firm believer that everyone has a good ideas and great points and even some of the not so good ones can be great with some brainstorming.
    I;m also a firm believer that businesses that do not depend on the local economy are the first that need to be attracted to Salisbury. It can be done. Wic/Som/Wor have lower home prices, are in close reach of the ocean-2 major draws.
    Parking is a hugh issue. I know of someone who worked in a law firm (100+) lawyers in downtown Cinncinnati (offices took up 2 whole floors of a highrise) and it was finally the parking problem (after 30 some yrs in the building) that forced the law firm to buy property and build their own office building outside of the city.

  5. No magic wand waving and not promise other than Leadership. I wish all the idiots who are as productive would throw there hands up and move on, including the Mike Dunns, the jim iretons (not worthy of a capitalization) and the believers in the old boy net work.
    where do we send donations?

  6. Class Act, Joe!

    Ireton was on TV name calling.

    Shows you the difference between a leader and someone who's not!

  7. Yulp, Harsh words makes the speaker look Small!

    Ireton acts like he is emotionally stuck in his childhood with the temper tantrums displayed.

  8. I am not a city resident, but your comments are well thought out.. Good luck...


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