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Friday, January 11, 2013



  1. Send them more money to build ? Give em a bottle of wine and an apple , kick in the butt.
    They ruin the buildings , they eat the grass (they must , Ive never seen a lawn mower). They robb and steal with their hand out for more assistance. When they move into the city , they destroy the neighborhood. Give em a cell phone , give em free food , give em free housing , give em free transportation , give em free medical ect. etc. etc..
    Then give em a check to pay for the Escalade.

  2. It looks like a war zone, Syria comes to mind.

  3. Nice huh? Nothing will ever change until these people who live in this type of filth wake the hell up.
    The first step is to quit blaming others and then to elect officials who will tell them the truth instead of making excuses for them.

  4. watched up to 4 minutes and from what i observed,,that is community own destruction. ppl who live in that area cant justify trashing up the place by being poor! pigs!

  5. And our Mayor wants to put this type of people/housing on our river front.
    The government gives people homes to live in and this is what they do to them..I would assign them one home and when that is trashed there is NO MORE.
    They are not taught how to take care of the home or their families. Me the tax payer is TIRED of taking care of trash. If they can't take care of the home live under a tree.

  6. 250, I totally agree! Giving freebies away and paying people to not work creates this unfortunate mess. Shipping our manufacturing jobs overseas does the same. At least over there, they are employed and these type buildings are busy as heck producing commodities! What a shame we pay tax dollars to make this condition, then demand more tax money to support the same thing from the "rich" employers, who only want to make jobs. Unfortunately, now there's more to pay, but still there are no jobs as an "option".

  7. Reminds me of areas in Salisbury. 250 I would give them absolutely nothing. What incentive is there to work?


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