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Friday, January 25, 2013

A Message From Vice President Joe Biden

FromJoe Biden info@barackobama.com

Joe --

The President did something big last week.

He proposed a set of major reforms to help protect our children and our communities by curbing gun violence, and he's already announced 23 executive actions that will go a long way in helping keep our kids safe.

This is an important start -- but I have no illusions about what needs to be done and how difficult it will be.

Every step we intend to take will preserve the tradition of responsible gun ownership in our country and uphold the Second Amendment. And while we'll never end gun violence entirely, if we can save the life of even one child, then we have a responsibility to act.

This action includes not only what we can do, but what Congress can do. To make a real and lasting difference, they must act soon. 

The President has called on Congress to act on four specific legislative measures: closing background check loopholes, banning military-style assault weapons and limiting high-capacity ammunition magazines, making our schools safer, and increasing access to mental health services.

The President asked me to work with law enforcement, teachers, parents, sportsmen, Democrats, Republicans, faith leaders, mental health experts, and other organizations and individuals to come up with a set of concrete policy proposals. The plan he put forth is the product of those conversations and recommendations.

Right now, President Obama is counting on you.

Each one of us needs to speak up and demand action. It doesn't matter whether you live in a big city or a small town like Newtown, Connecticut. When our fellow Americans are victims of senseless violence, we all pull together as one American family.

Let's get this done, folks.

Whether the action we take saves one life or 1,000, it matters.

Thank you,



  1. "He proposed a set of major reforms to help protect our children and our communities by curbing gun violence"

    Oh so admirable isn't it? Obama wants to curb gun violence.
    What about violence period-why not want to curb that instead of putting a bandaid on the widespread problem of violence?
    It won't happen and that's because it takes guts and very few politician have the guts to say violence is a systemic problem cause by lack of a morals in a certain segment of society.

  2. Total bullshit. Face it people, this country is broken. The government is broken. Every aspect of it's branches is broken.

    It is no longer feasible, or even possible, to fix them. We need a new one, to replace the broken one.

    95% of politicians need to be kicked out and replaced. We don't even know what our government is doing, has done or is going to do.

    They create our own enemies. Which in turn we have to go to war with, which in turn creates more enemies, real and otherwise.

    It has to be fixed from the bottom up versus top down. There is too much corruption at the top to even try to fix it.

    WE are our solution. It is time to implement it before time runs out completely.

  3. Shut up you blow hard!

  4. Obama is counting on you.....Rotflmao.oh the irony.

  5. Time to take up arms and take back our country! This is the logic of throwing the baby out with the bath water, (if this save only one life or a 1000), the idiots have spoken, they have shown their true colors!

  6. You want to save lives bring home the troops. Give them the help & care they deserve. More troops are comitin suside then have been killed in action. And if you want to save the kids in school ARM the teachers its the only thing that will world

  7. We will still be forced to suffer the idiots and morons among us.

  8. Like putting a bandaid on AIDS.

  9. “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force: Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.”- Patrick Henry

    Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American… [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people. – Tench Coxe, 1788

    We shall never be silenced.

  10. There needs to be a Declaration of War drafted to our government by the people. Only then, in a civilized fashion can we charge and try them individually for the treasonous acts against our Constitution, our Country and its citizens.

  11. hmmm, 23 proposals of meaningful reform that the most liberal mayor in america (bloomberg)said was worthless and would have done nothing to prevent the sandy hook incident. keep shoveling biden, you're FOS

  12. Why would anyone ever take anything this goofy SOB says seriously? Anyone ever check out his net worth? He ain't got the proverbial pot to take a leak in. Here's a guy who more than 1/2 of his life made an upper middle class income and not a thing to show for it and it's not like he gave it away to charity because his charitable contributions are almost nonexistance. But people believe this pinhead knows what he is talking about. Unbelievable. No wonder the country's broke with "geniuses" like Biden running the show.

  13. I agree 11:31 and Obama is the worst. Big business and corporations are running the show like never before and it's because Obama's never been a "made man" (successful) and so the corp executives say jump and Obama jumps.
    You have to look at the big picture. Who is profitting big time off this talk of banning certain firearms? Obama's masters on Wall STreet that who.
    After Sandy Hook Wall St saw an opportunity to line their pockets, instucted their slave Obama to start this ban talk crap and like a good slave he listened, firearms and related products started soaring off the shelves and related stocks rose dramatically and profits pocketed by Wall St insiders who know better than to reivest in this unstable market.
    It's not about kids safety it's not about banning certain firearms this is all about Obama being under complete and total control of Wall Street.

  14. Right 11:52!
    But, at least they won't occupy the White House!

    I did not think it would come to this. I can and will pull the trigger on a liberal if that is what it takes to free our society from these moronic hypocrites.

  15. Can't he do anything but point his finger? What a horrible representative of our country!

  16. Biden is a buffoon

  17. None of you,including myself,have any clue of how to fix this,because it can't be fixed.As a nation our problem is that we don't know when we are beaten.For all of you who are tossing your ridiculous ideas into the fray,please stop.We are not gaining ground.Our best days are behind us.Nuff said.

  18. joe biden has enough mouth for 5 sets of teeth and a brain the size of an amoeba. just like his boss. thanks sjd

  19. It's all about Wall St and lining the bankers pockets and you better believe Old Feinstein loaded up on gun related stocks right before she introduced her bill. The old girl always does stuff like that and never lets an opportunity to make a buck go to waste.
    Clinton's Assault Weapons Ban in the 1990's proved to produce hugh profits for Glock and most likely Clinton and many democratic members of Congress who supported the ban.

  20. None of you,including myself,have any clue of how to fix this,because it can't be fixed.As a nation our problem is that we don't know when we are beaten.For all of you who are tossing your ridiculous ideas into the fray,please stop.We are not gaining ground.Our best days are behind us.Nuff said.

    January 25, 2013 at 2:58 PM

    I said earlier it CAN'T be fixed. It needs to be REPLACED.

    Telling others to stop throwing ideas around is just the same as accepting the way things are. A lot of people, myself included, do not accept the way things are and want to CHANGE IT.

    Throwing ideas around is the only way to find an idea that would accomplish this.

    No offense, but I will never stop until dead or we find a solution.

    It probably won't be me, but if enough people think, we WILL come to an idea that will work.

    They did it in the 1700's so why can't we do it again in 2013?

  21. Term limits, term limits, term limits. These people don't stand for anything or anyone but themselves. Vote them all out, and that will get their attention. Out of office, no security for you, your family, period. No perks you're out of office you figure out how to support yourselves!

  22. What about the children Obama kills in drone strikes? Oh I guess they don't count. Disgusting!

  23. "if JUST ONE LIFE can be saved", then its worth invalidating and erasing two centuries of law and kissing off the blood sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Just ONE life. Safety. Our precious children. You'd think they could come up with some new phrases and slogans. Perhaps "I want a CAREER of unlimited power!", or "Quit resisting my omnipotent wisdom!" or "When will you peasants learn?" or "One more word from you and my guards will be forced to shoot!".

  24. I believe the government really doesn't care. It is sad to say, but they used this terrible shooting of innocent children for their benefit. Have you ever seen such speeches? The sheer number of them gives me a sick headache. Please don't misunderstand my comment. It is terrible what happened, but to use this to further obama/biden's (I refuse to give them capital letters) agenda is just plain wrong. I think they both think we, the people, are too stupid to see and to think for ourselves what they are pulling off. This is a bad mistake. We, the people, are not fools and can see clearly the deceit. Neither can be trusted for truth or justice.

  25. What is that saying about how one persons' sacrifice is okay because the whole benefits?

    But here they reverse it and say even if only ONE life is saved, the whole has to suffer.

    I just can't keep up with all the insanity coming out of their mouths.

  26. This law outlaws all threaded barrels ans all ammunition that fits in guns that can have threaded barrels. That outlaws my two shotguns with adjustable chokes, all 12 and 20 gauge shot shells, my deer rifle with adjustable muzzle brake and all bullets made to fit it, which is manufactured in at least 5 calibers.

    Go look in YOUR gun cabinet and write your congressman accordingly.

  27. 9:12 AM

    I'm not sure what is meant by 'threaded' barrels but I'm thinking barrels that are threaded on the end that silencers may be affixed. I don't think many people put silencers on shotguns, although I have heard one case where someone put a homemade silencer on a shotgun to muffle the blast when he shot his parents.

    I'm guessing that is the exception to the rule.

  28. 1:36....you are so clueless, I just puked.

  29. lmclain said...
    1:36....you are so clueless, I just puked.

    January 26, 2013 at 6:03 PM

    Well lick it up and explain to me why your holiness thinks I don't have a clue.


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