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Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Clinton Scorned - "What Difference Does It Make"

Hell hath no fury... After an extensive 24,500 word hearing, it would appear we are not really any closer to knowing who knew what when and why we weren't told. However, while the invisible hand of the word-cloud fairy found it useful to highlight the words 'People', 'Think', and 'Know', perhaps it was Hilary's infuriated outburst (clip below) when pressed on what happened that sums it all up in her eyes: "What Difference Does It Make?" It seems that once again 'they' know what is best for us to know and not know... Furthermore, her discussion of the US growing presence in Africa fits tightly with our previous comments on the next investing horizon.


  1. 1-24-13

    Are you surprised? The current administration is founded on lies,innuendo,and deception and has been since its conception. What frosts my ass is the white electorate who backs him 100% and the dick-head democrats who call themselves Americans and are colluding to dissolve the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights under the guise of competent leadership and are an envoy of the constituancy of citizens the SYSTEM is supposed to protect. By the way, what sane person would expect Hillary Clinton to EVER tell the truth? She is an attorney trained to lie and then married to 'Slick Willy' the grand champion of the liars world.
    With ANY LUCK they'll ALL be in the lowest reaches of HELL with the OIL COMPANY EXECUTIVES...

    BoB Aswell

  2. It is no good saying it is a lie. No one has yet to produce anything to the contrary. Therefore if everything she is saying is a lie, please provide proof.

    Not how you feel or think. Proof. It should be simple right?

  3. She learned double-speak from the master.....Slick-Willy. I'm surprised she didn't say it depends on what "is" is....

  4. 1:09 well for starters she tried to say the lack of security was due to the republicans denying funding. When Charlene Lamb, State Dept official, testified she said "funding was never an issue."
    It was pointed out by one of those doing the questioning yesterday that some funding was denied like the 200 million plus the state dept wanted for a "global climate change" initiative but no where was security funding denied.
    Then when she was caught in the bold faced lie she had to attempt to backtrack and then proceeded to blame it on restrictions put on who is hired for security based on the lowest price and the old "you get what you pay for" line was used by her.
    If you watched the whole entire hearings both congress and senate instead of bits and pieces from the MSM, she was caught lying several times and had to wiggle out with lines like "what I meant was" and "let me clarify."

    Face it the woman just like Obama is a pathological liar. Remember the sniper/Bosnia lie and when that lie was exposed she claimed to have "misspoken."

  5. ONLY a politician (with no true concern for anyone or anything except their own self-promotion and possibility of even greater future power) could say "what difference does it make"? when referring to the deaths of other Americans. Dead is dead, but dying of a heart attack is a LOT different than dying in a seven hour attack that they did nothing to prevent. They COULD have at least turned about a square mile of that area into an prehistoric rock field and showed the world what happens when Americans are mercilessly murdered. But THAT would have involved hurting some Muslims. WHATEVER we do, we must avoid THAT at all costs. We need them to continue to give unequaled contributions to our society and especially, NASA. She SHOULD be ashamed, but shame isn't in her vocabulary or persona. Pretty good at fake tears, though....


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