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Saturday, January 05, 2013

2012 Ratings: Fox News Number One For 11 Straight Years

 2012 saw Fox News mark 11 years as the number one cable news channel in total viewers and the demo, though the election didn’t provide much in the way of a ratings bump, with the network only up a bit in total viewers, and down slightly in the demo.
  • Primetime: 2.043 million total viewers/ 423,000 A25-54
  • Total Day: 1.152 million total viewers/ 273,000 A25-54
Unlike CNN, which was down in both total and demo viewers just about every hour, and MSNBC, which was up in both categories just about every hour, Fox News had some high points and low points, with most of its programs roughly on par with their 2011 performances. That said, the network still drew more viewers than CNN, MSNBC and HLN combined in primetime. It was also the second-highest delivery for the network ever in total viewers.


  1. Obama is P.O.'d about this an is working on getting FOX shut down along with sending out the New Black Panthers to confiscate all guns for him.

  2. Alex, you're such a loser. Face the facts, you a libtard!

  3. 6:39 thank you for that deep-thought comment. You just made me reevaluate my life.

  4. It is an entertainment channel folks, not a news channel.

  5. Most misinformed voter is a Fox News viewer. Look it up before you argue about it.

  6. Fox is the only fair and balanced news channel,every other one is bias.

  7. >>>Most misinformed voter is a Fox News viewer. Look it up before you argue about it.<<<

    I'd be happy to 'look it up' as you suggest. Can you please supply a source?

  8. Alex said...


    Another mighty intellectual effort from Alex!

  9. If you watched FOX, you might learn the truth. The other channels are strictly liberal and bias toward anything Obama wants. You are the one who is misinformed. FOX tells the news fair and balanced.

  10. Want to bet gay people wont go against Al Gore for selling his TV channel to people who would kill them in a second.All because the other media outlets will spin the story.

  11. 8:03-I guess in your communist mind Piers Morgan, Chris Matthews and Sargent Shultz are "journalists" for a reputable "news organization". Fox is the ONLY news organizaton that is not a communist propaganda network

  12. Alex said...
    6:39 thank you for that deep-thought comment. You just made me reevaluate my life.

    January 5, 2013 6:51 PM

    I'm sure that took you a whole 3 seconds.

    What you routinely demonstrate on this blog is that you have no life. At least not a positive productive one.

    But why am I even responding to your nonsense and giving you the attention you so desperately need?

    We try to educate you. We try to show you the proper way to conduct yourself. You fight us tooth and nail every step of the way.

    I must make more effort to ignore you in the future.


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