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Friday, December 21, 2012

Where White Men Went Wrong


  1. Totally absurd. The truth is that Native American tribes were constantly in a state of warfare with other tribes long before the dreaded "white man" Many tribes were killed and became extinct, the cultures of tribes were extremely violent, full of warfare strife and conflict. Whites were only shown any kind of civility by Indians to GET THEIR WEAPONS so that they could kill enemy tribesl I am sick of the demonization of Whites, and I know this is a satirical post, but it is time for whites to develop the same self preservation mindset as blacks, gay, hispanics and all of the other ethnicities. Whites are on the brink of becoming as hated as Jews.

  2. 1:56 I'm sure this post was meant to be for humor. Chill out!

  3. 1:56,Well said. map

  4. 1:56 satirical , but true

  5. The Chief forgot the part about no trash left behind.Everything in their world was biodegradable.We invented huge landfills full of paper,plastic,and metal containers.

  6. Love it and sharing this with others...thanks JOE!

  7. I'm with 2:06. These were a hardy people in a tough world. We have it "cushy" now, and things are even harder! This satire is hilarious!

  8. Well look who got their beach land just 30 minutes to the east of Salisbury. Now we have wild ponies who aren't allowed to be ridden and people are fined for even offering to feed them.

    Yet one cannot find a native american with miles of their former homeland.


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