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Thursday, December 13, 2012

We Need Your Help

Hi, my names Kelly Kauffman and our 12 week old Beagle puppy went missing yesterday morning. He was found by the people at How Sweet It Is in Fruitland/Eden but they gave him away to girls there yesterday. I have attached a picture of him. If you could help us spread the word to try to find the girls who have him or anyone who knows them it would be greatly appreciated! I can be contacted at 443-366-7020 and my boyfriend, Daraius, can be reached at 302-258-3220. Thank you so much for your time!


  1. really dumb of those people to give that puppy to total strangers without making any attempt to find his owner. just couldn't be bothered i guess. i doubt they'd want their own pets to be treated so carelessly. how sweet it ain't.

  2. ...and you would know the circumstances of the exchange, how exactly?

  3. they had to leave at the end of the day around 6 or 7, they had nothing else to do with the dog. None of the employees could take this poor thing home with them. they didn't know what else to do except to give him to some people that seemed kind and really wanted to give the dog a home. don't bash them 12:36. if it was your home i am sure it would be different. but its a business.

  4. If it was my dog I would just be glad someone took the time to make sure that my dog was safe. How many would just let it run loose on the highway?

  5. I can't believe they would just give the dog to strangers!! they will not be getting my business ever again. they're way overpriced anyway.

  6. this is 12:36---somebody's conscience must be bothering them, hope that little guy didn't wind up in a puppy potpie!

  7. I am the owner of the puppy. He was found over five miles from my house, with his collar on. The second I found out about his where abouts, I went down there immediately. A woman who works there told me she had offered to take him home for a day or two, but the owner just gave him to whoever these people are. Everyone there claims they have no information whatsoever on who the people who have him are, but yet an employee told the humane society that he went to very loving people in a very nice home. Everyone has a different story, and acts like it's my fault for not getting there fast enough.. I filed police reports, posted signs, notified news sites, and posted it all over social media sites. I did everything I could until I spoke to the Humane Society on Tuesday when they opened again. So of course I have a right to be upset. But I'm not going to flip out about it, I just want my puppy home. That's all that matters.

  8. Sounds like they didn't know the name of the girls they gave it to. But maybe you could put up a flyer in their place and the same girls will be in again.

    Hope your puppy makes it back to you.

  9. The prudent thing to have done would have been for the business to have gotten the contact info from whomever they gave the dog to, just in case the owner did appear. Not only should they have done that, but double checked before the dog left the premises, that the contact info was valid. It doesn't sound like an ounce of common sence much less courtesy toward the community was used at all.

  10. 12:58, A business has more of a moral and ethical responsiblity that a private individual to do the right thing, afterall they are supported by the community.
    Is sounds as if they gave the dog to someone they knew who wanted it and if that's the case then they are not very honest. In MD (except Somerset Co) a dog is considered someone's property. It would be no different that giving a found wallet to just any Tom, Dick or Harry who said they would take it, just because they thought it was pretty.
    I would file a theft report.

  11. this is unbelievable joe! I can't believe an honest business would just give away someones loving pet without doing alittle something (perhaps get a name or number from the recepient) shame on you How Sweet it is! Shame!


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