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Monday, December 17, 2012

We Have Our Own School Safety Issues Right Here On The Shore

Date: Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 1:18 PM
To: wagnerh@dcpsmd.org

Mr Wagner

I am writing this text to you as  concerned parents of  children that attend to Vienna elementary, There was an incident at the school on Monday Nov 26th at 10:00am involving a parent, The situation was handled professionally by the school administration, But i have Noticed a lack of  security at the front entrance with the door being open  and lack of monitoring, I think that one camera and a door buzzer security lock would be the least the school could do to insure safety to the children and workers, unfortunately these days we need this type of security for protection of our children, I have seen New schools in dorchester county receive surveillance cameras over Sixty of them at one school, I don't think it is to much to ask for such minimum security  at Vienna elementary ,

Thank you for your consideration in this matter. 

Paul Adams

Date: Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 4:11 PM

Mr. Adams,

Thank you for your inquiry and we will give this suggestion due consideration.

Henry V. Wagner, Jr., Ed.D.
Dorchester County Public Schools

Date: Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 2:54 PM
Subject: Lack of security at Vienna elementary school....

Senator Colburn,

I am reaching out to you for an incident that happened at Vienna elementary school in dorchester county, in which earlier this month a parent was Arrested, the staff handled the incident quickly and  professionally,  i reached out to the school superintendent and was sent a response from a Mr McCabe (see attached) I know things are tough as far as funds but i find it unacceptable that this issue has to go on hold due to some minor funds issues,The issue is that the front door to the school remains open,the second issue is there is NOT 1 camera  is in front of the school to monitor the front door to protect the children and staff  i thought in these times we should be Pro-Active instead of Re-Active, I am asking for help in this matter and hope you can respond to our concerns.

Thank you
Paul Adams

Date: Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 6:58 AM
Good morning Mr. Adams,

Dr. Wagner sent me the same response that Mr. McCabe sent you.  In the e-mail he does mention using your suggestions when the school budget discussion begin.  Generally this is a plan developed in the County at which time they make their budgetary requests to the State.  I mentioned in my previous e-mail that you contact your County Council rep.  I also highly suggest you share your concerns with the School Board member that represents Vienna.  They would have great input into the school system's budget process.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please let me know!
Thanks again for contacting Senator Colburn.  Have a great day!


Jessica Hackett
Chief of Staff- Senator Richard F. Colburn
5210 Heron Road
Cambridge, MD 21613

Date: Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 9:18 AM
To: "Hackett, Jessica" <JHackett@senate.state.md.us>

I am sure you have heard about this ELEMENTARY school shooting in ct, this has been my issue about the lack of security in our elementary schools in Dorchester county, i hope this issue will be addressed at the next school safety committee meeting in February in the meantime i would hope that ALL front doors would remain locked during school hours until this matter is addressed.

Paul Adams


I received a call from a Mr ABT from human resources at the Dorchester BOA stating that they reached out to Dorchester Sheriff Philips and asked for his advice about the open front door at Vienna elementary school Mr ABT advised me that the sheriff stated that the front door can remain open, I called Sheriff Philips and left a voice mail asking for his reconsideration in this matter, I have yet to get a response, I have been complaining about this matter since November 7 where a female went to the school and tried to remove a child from the school where she was arrested, All I am asking for is that the front door remain locked during school hours and that the security issue be addressed at the next school safety committee in February 2013 but in the mean time the door should be LOCKED, for crying out loud our HS and Middle schools have proper security and cameras why cant we protect our children and staff in ALL elementary schools, I have sent emails to senator Ben Cardin for his assistance in this matter and awaiting his response,please lets  be Proactive instead of reactive.

Concerned parent.
Paul Adams


  1. ben cardin??? this is not a federal matter, it is a local matter. is there anybody out there who thinks anything the federal government does will help this matter?

  2. This should be addressed ASAP.

  3. 1:14 I disagree with you comment the more politicians that know about these issues federal/state the better, our children's safety comes first. just saying.

  4. It's a shame that more money is paid to the testing companies and to other scams like the Blue Ribbon BS then is spent on school security just so politicans have a platform to brag on.
    All school doors should be locked. There is no good reason for them not to be. Also why does the BOA need the advice of a LE official about a locked door? Are they that dumb that they can't figure it out for themselves? It should be as simple as lock the doors unless and until someone comes up with a good reason not to. No wonder the schools are in such a shambles with the dopes that are supposed to be in charge.

  5. What type of lock does this building have? Are there panic bars for quick access to leave this building. Is locking this door a life safety issue?

  6. 3:17, the Board of Ed has no idea what a life safety issue is, that's why they run to a cop with a hardware question! Never to imagine the answer may be at the local door and hardware store! They read the news that the shooter shot his way in through the glass in the door and opened it up himself, and their collective brains freeze right there because they are already thinking up a new gun control law! Has anyone cut the grass at the high school? There are SO MANY things to think of here, they just have brain farts all day.

  7. 3:17 he may have got in but at-least that bought them some time bc they had some safety door probably saved a lot of other children from being killed..

  8. My girls go to a dorchester school and the front door is not secured, NOT GOOD.

  9. In this day and age this is pretty sad.

  10. ok folks once again lets look at the true facts.....The person in this sad event didnt bother to try the front doors he shot through them. we need to look at the people with mental illness first. do you really think locked doors will protect our children? no if someone really wants to cause harm they will find a way. A police officer or even parked cruiser in front of a school could help deter someone maybe. no amount of planning or school security could have prevented this the person involved planned this for some time. He knew what he was doing and didnt plan to survive...stop looking to place blame or complain the real answer comes from dealing with people who cant deal with themselves.

  11. 6:20 No one is placing blame on an unlocked door, but in this day and age there is no good reason for not keeping a school full of little children locked up at all times. Of course it will never stop someone intent on inflicting serious harm but that's no reason to not lock the doors is it?

  12. 8:11 You are 100% correct if anything it would slow them down.

  13. Any seconds slowing down a killer are precious seconds that can be used to save lives.


  14. Now do you see this kid bringing a shotgun in his car to school in milford Today.

  15. A sheriff said to leave the front door open?!

    I guess he doesn't want to get re-elected.

  16. That sheriff needs to be fired,what an idiot.


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