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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wal-Mart Developing A Reputation As The Most Corrupt Corporation In The World

The New York Times details Wal-Mart's bribery binge in Mexico, from when the retail giant opened more than a dozen new stores south of the border. The Times notes, “Wal-Mart de Mexico was an aggressive and creative corrupter, offering large payoffs to get what the law otherwise prohibited.” Some of the bribes included more than $340,000 to avoid having to comply with traffic and environmental permits; more than $760,000 to build a store in an environmentally sensitive flood basin; and more than $200,000 to a build a store near Aztec ruins. So now we know another reason why Wal-Mart workers in America get everyday low wages…because the company needs the cash to bribe foreign officials. Wal-Mart is not an American company – it’s a stateless transnational corporation that's raping America – and prowling the rest of the world for cheap labor.


  1. The global mentality will win out in the end.We are no longer an island and have'nt been for some time.To survive into the next millenium the US and everything in it will have to operate on a global level.Will it be a painful transition? Of course it will be,but the sooner we accept it the better off everyone will be.

  2. If all Walmarts closed tomorrow - what would the unemployment rate be? At least Walmart workers respect themselves enough to get a job instead of sponging totally off the government.

  3. They are not doing anything that obama and his minions haven't done.... That's probably where they learned it..They went to the same law school..

  4. Really... every company does what it can to evade taxes and lesson their costs. And Many retailers have gone part time to avoid paying health insurance. Wal-Mart is a huge target as it is a big company. But they employ millions and offer goods at prices millions of people desire. Bitch all you want folks... Wal-mart doesnt care and really doesnt need to.

  5. The costs of buying cheap


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