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Friday, December 14, 2012

Update On Brooke Mulford 12-14-12

Bone marrow biopsy is done — at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

The plan is to start treatment on Wed. Enrolling in Phase I clinical trial ADVL0918 (Temsirolimus with Irinotecan & Temozolomide).

No really good options...she will get scans in 5-6 weeks. If disease is stable or better she will continue on this trial - if there is progression than we will look into another trial.


  1. She is a tough girl, just like her mother. Keep everyone posted on her progress.

  2. Praying for the family as they wait for positive results.

  3. That poor child has been through so much in her short little life, I pray for the whole family.

  4. Praying and pulling for you, Li'l Sweetheart!

  5. We will pray for you all!

  6. We will continue to pray for you all. Stay strong and know that God is with you. God bless


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