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Friday, December 14, 2012

Unions Prepare for ‘Civil War’

Top Teamsters goon James R. Hoffa is threatening to bring “civil war” to Michigan in order to roll back the state’s new right to work law.

After Gov. Rick Snyder (R) signed legislation aimed at breaking the labor movement’s death grip on Michigan’s near-comatose economy, Hoffa took to CNN Tuesday to declare, “This is just the first round of a battle that’s going to divide this state.” He added, “We’re going to have a civil war in this state.”

Hoffa also flippantly compared the enactment of the legislation to the attack on Pearl Harbor 71 years ago in which more than 3,000 Americans died.



  1. "Top Teamsters goon" LMAO! Now that is great writing!

  2. Put him in concrete like his dad we don't miss him either.

  3. I am ready to go to Civil War with any union goon and anyone who voted for Obama!! Bring it on Dirt Bag!!

  4. It's funny that unions are upset about legislation that makes a poor economy better able to support union wages in the long run.

    Meanwhile, we bailed out GM and Chrysler so that they could shift production oversees. Yet the unions don't see the government incentives that take away their jobs as being worse than trying to redevelop the state so that it can produce jobs in their back yard.

  5. Bring it on you PUNK and PUNK followers!!!

  6. GM and Chrysler, nor Ford nor anybody else has shifted production overseas. Do your homework before you go running off at the mouth. The have grown and added production in new markets. Heck, Japanese car companies can't afford to export goods to the US, so they are adding production here to be EXPORTED.

  7. I know where the unions can go..away far away. They are another contributing factor to this fiscal mess. Along with worthless government programs a lame media, dumbed generations of americans force fed socilasit ideals..Just like the buggy whip ..you and it has outlived its usefulness go away and go away fast or you will finaill kill the american dream for america....

  8. Jimmy wants to end up like his dad.... And if the unions keep it up all of them will end up like Jimmy.... Most of us are simply tired of the whining and the crap


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