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Friday, December 28, 2012

Top Ammo Supplier Sells 3 1/2 Years Worth Of Assault Rifle Magazines In 72 Hours

Firearm accessories supplier Brownells says that it's experiencing "unprecedented" sales of magazines.
Brownells has sold 3 1/2 years worth of PMAG magazines in just 72 hours, according to a statement posted from the company's official account on gun owner forum AR-15.com.

It also says that it has sold "an even greater amount" of its own Brownells magazines.


  1. And there are actually people in this country that think they can take our guns......lol...come and get....some....30 rounds at a time.

  2. everything is sold out everywhere, cheaper than dirt's price increases are insane, a thousand bucks for a case of .223, i wonder what it will be like when it gets REALLY bad.

  3. The Government lackey the tries to take my guns will die.

  4. The economy must be in better shape than we've been led to believe if so many people are able to pay exorbitant prices for merchandise that wasn't cheap to begin with.

    1. Not the economy. Just the hard working citizens that commit no crimes.the citizens that aren't on welfare with umpteen kids and hold real jobs not robbing and dealing. The citizens that fought and were wounded and lucky to live in countless wars that America had no business in yet still wanted to spread our freedoms to the world.these folks aren't just doing OK.they're doing great.the economy sucks girly...for everyone. The American way.our rights.that's what's thriving.

  5. No wonder all of mine was placed on back order.

  6. And the libtards think america wants gun control

  7. America with gun control in these days equals America as a third world country.

  8. Queensgirl what price do you put on protecting your faimly? Oh thats right you'll just call 911 so they can take a report. You ought to start taking better care of your loved ones because no one else will.

  9. I know I've had a hard time finding 22lr for over a month.

  10. Attention idiots!! There is only a shortage and a run on your ammo because of the absurd paranoia. It feeds itself. Buy all you can and they will make more and sell it to you idiots for a higher price next time. They are gonna run out. No one is going to take your weapons away. No one is gonna attack you to steal your ammo. Gander Mtn will be there tomorrow. The federal government is not coming to your tree stand tomorrow and confiscating your most prized pea shooters. Just calm down finish off that six pack of natual light and stroke your gun barrel.


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