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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Today's Survey Question 12-4-12

Do you prefer books or e-readers?


  1. Books, I read old school.

  2. comic books! their closer to real life.

  3. Condensed e books if they are done properly.The same pros who condense novels also create movie scripts using the same techniques.So many times you hear people saying that the movie was not as good as the book.If a movie contained everything that was in the book it would be 10 hours long.

  4. prefer real books, but for convience i keep some on my phone for waiting rooms and such

  5. I have fallen in love with my Nook.

  6. I love to read! Nook allows me to carry a lot of books with me wherever I go! Love, love, love!!

  7. Chiseled stone tablets.

  8. I love ebooks, especially my kindle. As I've gotten older, problems with my hands make it difficult to hold a book open. Still love browsing in a library or book store, though.

  9. I love to read period.

    I really like my kindle because it is light weight, I can take it anywhere and it even works in the dark.

    I love the way new books smell, the way the feel in my hands, and turning the page is just not the same on my kindle.

    And if I am reading a story to my grandaughter there is no substitute for a real book.

  10. Just a hard back book, please~


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