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Monday, December 17, 2012

Today's Survey Question 12-17-12

Do you own guns and how do you keep them safe?


  1. I do own guns and keep them in a locked safe which I alone have the combination to.

  2. clean and oil them. guns have two enemies. rust and politicians. I can only kill one legally.

  3. Yes, lock on trigger and AWAY from children.

  4. Never have, never will.

  5. Yep, I have several in the house. My kids were taught at a young age about gun safety, AND, their kids have been taught the same. My young grandchildren love hunting and are well aware of gun safety. Guns are like cars, they're a tool for us to use with care. Fortunately or unfortunately, it's the person behind each that either create the problems, or, learn to use them safely, meaning guns & cars.

  6. Yes. Probably don't keep it as safe as I should.

  7. Yes plenty, and yes I have a safe that only I have the combo to.

  8. Yes and we don't have any kids that are young now. We didn't own them when the kids were little. I remember growing up and my dad kept one in the back of his walk in closet and one above the door in the closet. My grandparents kept one behind most of their bedrooms doors. We never dreamed about touching them. What has changed? When we were told NOT to do something we didn't do it because there were consequences.

  9. Yes, we have one & now that there are no children in our house, we keep it out so we can get to it immediately if necessary. Hope that never happens !! Guns will be found by the criminals---and I feel much more secure ----- knowing I have one for our protection.
    If they make guns illegal----there will be even more crime----knowing people have no protection in the home!!!

  10. I keep one handy to take out home invaders and the rest locked in a safe to keep them from being stolen.

  11. Obama is trying to act like KING GEORGE before the Revolution by his vain attempts to disarm the people. If Obama sends his troops around to confiscate our guns...what happened in 1775 when the king tried that?

  12. Yes, I own guns. I do not keep them in a safe. .45acp 1911 cocked and loaded in my sock drawer, as well as about a dozen more throughout my home(unloaded). No children in my home.

  13. I don't, Guns can kill. I keep my sights on the bad guy. If it should go off! bummer.

  14. NO I beleve only cops should have guns to protect us. I wonder how many cops worked for that town in CN 100-200 See cops cant protect you but every American should have the right to protect themselvs. Rember cops don't save lives they right reports.

  15. MANY guns. I also keep buying more. I am exercising my constitutional rights

  16. i keep mine loaded an ready. in several parts of my house

  17. A safe gun can never defend you. Only a ready gun, locked and loaded, can protect you.

  18. Yes i own them and they are out when i am home. Locked up when i am not. A locked up or unloaded gun never kept a criminal out of a house.

  19. A gun ain't but a wood and metal club unless it's loaded! All eight of mine are loaded, some in the safe, and some hidden around the house in case they are needed. My kids are trained in their use in case I'm asleep. C'mon in!

  20. Looky looky ....all these people just now gave the one finger salute to every sissy minded wimp who is scared of a loud noise and pushed through laws that COMMANDED "we, the people" to keep all guns in a locked safe. WTF? Because when a burglar breaks in, or your home is invaded, its IMPORTANT to make sure you can't get to your gun quickly.. You know how lilly-livered liberals don't like to see murderers and rapist get hurt. YOU getting killed is okay with them, just don't hurt any low lifes. And they WON'T get hurt, as long as they don't come to MY house. Where EVERY gun is loaded and ready to fire. I don't know if I'll NEED thirty rounds to hit you, but I'm sure gonna use them all...

  21. lmclain the libs are just looking out for your best interest when they want you to lock up your guns. I mean if someone gets inside your house and you shoot them their family will probably sue you. I guess they are trying to prevent that. *sarcasm font*

  22. I keep them safe by keeping them clean and oiled. And loaded.

    I don't know of any criminal would stop breaking in and murdering/raping you so you could locate, unlock safe, unlock trigger lock, find bullets and load gun.

    Mine is always loaded and within reach. My wife does have a pump shotgun she keeps in her closet unloaded.

    But I think the pumping action will get the attention of just about everybody.

    I even carry my pistol with me in my car. Yes, it's illegal. Ask me if I care.

    It's illegal to car-jack and drag someone out of a vehicle and beat/kill them too.

    The law doesn't stop them, why should I let it stop me from defending myself. Which, btw, is the only person that can. By the time any cops get to scene, I would be dead.

    My way, I might be in jail, but I'll be alive. Sharing a tier with scum like I just killed probably.


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