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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Today's Survey Question 12-16-12

One guy gets on a plane with a shoe bomb 
and now everyone has to take off their shoes.

What's it going to take to stop guns 
and carnage in schools?


  1. I just read a story about 22 chidren being stabbed to death in China on Friday. Taking the guns away isn't the answer.

  2. Let everyone carry.

  3. Everyone without a violent criminal record carries, concealed or open, their choice. Open is faster.

  4. 3:11
    the libs don't want the American public knowing about that attack. I think it's just you and I that know about it.
    If people want to kill, they'll use what ever weapon they have.

  5. There is no answer.There are too many schools in this nation.making them all safe is a logistic impossibility.They can certainly be made more safe,and some attempts may be thwarted,but not 100% eliminated.Some kid in Oklahoma was planning to shoot a whole lot of students in his HS,but his friends reported him,thank god.I think that may have also been on Friday.

  6. Trained and armed teachers/administrators.

    1. This may work with a few, however most teachers are old, overweight or are physically and mentally not capable of defending themselves let alone being responsible for a firearm. Today's teachers are not the strong respected teachers of the past. Today they are getting beat up my elementary school kids. Imagine how a teenage gang banger or group of them team up and take a firearm from a teacher. The only answer with today's laws is uniformed police in every school and its coming and the citizens will pay for it.

  7. At least teach a class called "Basic Morals". Then teach a class that offers the beliefs and ideologies of ALL religions. That will solve the ignorance problem along with the problem of those who refuse to learn. And nothing here interferes with the Constitution.

  8. We never learn from HistoryDecember 16, 2012 at 5:53 PM

    Obama will do as Hitler Did; create environments that are threatening, invoke gun control and than send the ATF/Homeland Security/State Police around to everyone's homes and confiscate the guns. Shortly after, off to the gas chambers

  9. why can't they put something on gun that only lets it fire if the owner is pulling the triger?fingerprint or something

    1. The technology is available but it is very expensive and gun makers do not want to cut into their profits.

  10. one entry point, open outer door

    locked interior door, bulletproof vestibule

    technology detection of weapons

    one armed SWAT-trained guard

  11. None of the children in China died, BTW.

  12. I clicked on this just to see if someone would bring Obama into it. Yep, one idiot did. And we received a two for one. They mentioned Obama AND Hitler. Good job.

  13. Enforce mental health issues with the Gun control laws. Arm school authorities or have an armed guard.
    Enforce entry requirements.

  14. 6:26
    It seems to me that a cop with 2 arms is still better than a cop with one arm.

  15. GOD and prayer was taken out of the schools by the bleeding liberals. Now these same people are trying to figure out what has gone wrong; they need to look in the mirror for the answer.

  16. obviously this was a mental health issue that was not properly nor agressivly addressed. there is a problem with that though; that being many of the meds are counter-productive and the results are nil at best.

    then of course there's the violent movies, games, etc. that have a very negative effect on these borderline cases. this needs to be addressed as well.

    lastly, we as a nation have strayed far from our moorings. our faith is weak and we no longer have a relationship with a living God. we must admit (those of us who can relate and remember and have a knowledge of history) that we left God long ago. we allowed Him to be escorted out of public life and we are reaping the results of a godless society. in most homes God is not even acknowledged or referenced. if generation after generation are living like this and being trained this way then we are truly lost. i'm not sure we can find our way back. i do know this, God didn't leave us, we left Him. Jesus is still the author and finisher of our faith and He is waiting patiently for us to pray (talk) to Him with a contrite, ernest heart. Jesus promises He will answer anyone who will step out and cry out to Him. don't wait; let Him hear from you today. if everyone did this our world would change and i guarantee you; your life will never be the same.

  17. I agree w/ 10:34 for the most part.
    There are some common demoninators with these shootings that are always ignored and swept under the rug. It's always males, products of the public school system and almost always were medicated as children and some beyond childhood.
    I am a firm believer that you cannot drug a child into submission without dire consequences, esp little boys whose only fault is that they tend to be more rambunctious than other children. Parents have to let boys be boys and instead of drugging them with mind controling, mind numbing drugs. Their extra energy needs to be spent on activites such as running around outside, friendly tussling with Dad or a brother-let boys be boys!
    Parents need to think long and hard if their child is on one of these mind altering drugs and need to think long and hard before allowing a psychologist to label your child as learning disabled, ADD/ADHD or the newest "catch all" diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Asperger's. It's a scam and in reality all of us have "quirks" that put us in that "spectrum" but in this day and age no one wants to hear their child has behavorial problems that could be modified with proper responsible parenting.
    Public schools are under hugh stress to get high test scores. Test scores can be adjusted according to how many "learning disabled" students attend. Keep this in mind and it is something legislatures need to address instead of going on with the false claim that MD schools are #1.

  18. Well here's another one about the Obama admin. , it's obvious after the liberal democrats have taken religion from our schools and most everywhere else.
    Mr. Adolf Obama will destroy this nation. He is satan and we don't recognizes it.
    I told my wife , the first thing they will jump on is more gun control . After that they will take away our knives .
    Go ahead and teach your kids to hate , it works don't it?

  19. 10:34
    It is the sin nature of man where evil lurks and will take every opportunity we, as man, give it.
    Those that don't get this are destined to be used as fools.
    May God bless those children, the families and the grieving community.

  20. It starts with politicians who need the bragging rights of having "Number One Schools" and "performing students" and also with parents, school administrators and teachers who have allowed this to happen. All kids are not created equal. It's a foolish notion. Not all have the intellect nor the emotional intelligence to become rocket scientists and anyone who believes this is foolish.
    Kids are under tremendous pressure to "perform" and when they don't "perform" to what is considered "normal" they are labeled.
    Also the caliber of "teachers"/"adminsitrators" nowadays is concerning. Just because someone has a degree or letters behind their names does not qualify them to be teachers. Don't be fooled. Real teaching and teachers have qualities such as open mindness, patience, flexibility to name a few.
    It should be a major concern to any parent what the public school systems have become-a haven for drugged up children who most of the time, their behaviour can be modified with proper measures instead of doping a kid up with highly mind altering substances.

  21. Ban, all automatic and assult weapons, handguns too. Enough is ENOUGH!!!!

  22. many of these violent offenders have something in common, mind altering anti-depressants

  23. You loons. You think your prayers are helping those little kids or their parents? You're praying and hating 'liberals, democrats, Obama' in the same sentence. WWJD huh? You're quick to thump your bibles but it helps noone except your overinflated egos. You always react after the fact but do nothing to preempt the catastrophy. Or maybe you want the school children armed? Or a gun in every classroom?

    You know what could have prevented the tradegy? Making assault weapons illegal. Give me one good reason for owning an assault rifle?
    Those weapons should be for military and law enforcement only.

    Oh yeah, and Obama is to blame for this in part. For not making assault weapons illegal. For not stending up to idiots like NRA. For not reinstating the Clinton assault weapons ban. I really hope that this tragedy opens people's eyes.

  24. Oh yeah 8:34 that going to solve all the problems! I'm absolutely postive that everyone out there with automatic weapons and handguns are going to turn them in.
    Use your head! There is a root to this problem and it isn't guns.
    All you jump on the gun control bandwagon are surely yourselves the product of the public school system which has "banned" critical thinking skills.
    This kid was doped up as a child-get it???? His mind was blank-Get it??? He was a product of a school system out of control!
    Get out of your denial.
    A contributing factor is the liberal notion that all kids are created equal and must perform to the perceived perfect child.
    Also kids aren't supposed to "hate" they aren't supposed to feel superior, they aren't supposed to do this or that. They are supposed to be in the liberal way of thinking all robots who think and act alike. People are all different-time to face that fact.
    It's got to stop-all the kids must accept this and that. Of course there must be limits that stop at a school's door, but the idea that we can make them love everyone, accept everyone is asinine and only something a fool believes.
    This is the fault of the politicians and the schools and it's up to the parents to say enough is enough.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Ban, all automatic and assult weapons, handguns too. Enough is ENOUGH!!!!

    December 17, 2012 8:34 AM

    That way only the criminals will have them. Typical liberal response.

  26. and it totally swept under the rug, 8:42. These kids are zombies. Their minds are blank slates due to the drugs. They have no feeling of anything left in their heads. They've been labeled with ADD/ADHD, Asperger's and Autism when they have nothing more than a high energy level or a high distraction level that w/proper teachers and parents could be modified.
    I hear parents tell a child "you need a "time out." Stupid! Don't make a child sit there with their thoughts not allowed to be brought into the open. You are suppressing them.

  27. You are so wrong 6:42. You obviously do not teach a kid to "hate" but if they do want to "hate" a particular ideal then that should be fine. YOu don't try to make them conform when it's not normal. It's normal for people to have their own particular dislikes based on their own upbring and experience. If a child "hates" something/someone you guide them along and explain that not all people, etc are alike so it's unfair to lump them together and "hate" in a generalized sense. It's okay to "hate" but it's not okay to hurt someone.
    Way too much mind control going on with children.



  30. So many misguided thoughts...were to begin. People believing in a living God (do some people believe in a dead God?)have a higher respect for the value of human life that someone who does not go to a Christian faith church, I don't think so. That all the little boys just have extra energy, and no medication is ever needed, over looks the very real damaged and sick young people out there. Many are drug babies, the victims of abuse, and just by the luck of the draw bi-polar. To let them suffer, fail, and even die without treatment is barbaric. Finally, should we ban all pencils because some people using them make spelling mistakes? Ban all handguns? I guess you think we should ban all trucks, fertilizer, and fuel oil...that is what Timothy McVeigh used to kill 200 plus babies and government workers in Ok. City. Sorry people, you just can not pass a law banning evil acts by persons who are insane.

  31. Did anyone read about the hospital in the south that recently had a person with a gun roaming the halls shooting people? It happened right after the Connecticut issue. The reason you didn't hear about it is that there was a guard/person with a gun that shot the person as soon as he began shooting. 1 person dead plus the shooter. It could have been much much worse. Instead of removing all of the guns, why not open carry. If the teachers in Conn. had weapons and training, this might have made a difference and more kids come out alive.

  32. Yep 9:43 and people like Alex refuse to admit it because it's not politically correct. I don't believe this shooter was a product of a fetal drug/alcohol problem but he was a product of very liberal (Alex-you esp need enlightening) notion that children must be robots and all think and act alike and if they don't you dope them up. Alex do you really believe all this "autism" crap? Alex are you aware that Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is included in the diagnosis du jour of "Austism Spectrum Disorder?" Is that appropriate? Shouldn't we be telling useless abomination Baby Momma that it's her fault instead of treading lightly so to be polically correct and blame something else?
    Don't be so damm naive! Violence is out of control and until we stop coddling whose fault it is it's not going to stop.
    Why is there even a need for inschool psychologists nowadays? This was unheard just 2 decades ago. Of course it's goes back to a moral issue that the public school system refused to address. Facts like children do better with a mother and a father in the home and in their lives. Children do better when raised by responsible law biding parents instead of a parent they visit in jail on Saturdays. Children do not function well with drug/alcohol abusing parents. People need to quit fooling themselves and see the way the real world functions best. Without some type of morals lives are chaotic. If you can't see that then you are just a loser yourself and society would be better off if you just took a gun to your own head ASAP.

  33. 9:43 Bi Polar is another over diagnoses excuse for someone's behaviour. All of us have "quirks" which could lend themselves to quick anger. It's a matter of controlling the anger, which just about everyone is capable of doing.
    I know of several "bi polar" individuals. Alcohol is the problem. Of course when you wake up hung over day in and day out every little thing is going to set you off.

  34. Alex says-"You're quick to thump your bibles but it helps noone except your overinflated egos"

    Alex, you exemplify the liberal thinking that all people should conform and be robots, by your degratory use of "overinflated ego." Is there something wrong with someone who has an ego? Just because they don't fit in your mold of the perfect person does that make having an ego wrong?

  35. Ban all automatic and assault weapons NOW!!!!! They are killing our children.

  36. "What's it going to take to stop guns
    and carnage in schools?"

    What took us to this point where schools aren't safe for children anymore is where the solution lies. Of course the first reaction of banning/controlling guns may make sense to some as does turning schools into fortresses but the violence still remains a fact no one can negate.

  37. 100 years ago, we had guns, God, and respect. now we have drugs, outlawed God, and hostility.

  38. 11:24 is correct. It's nonsensical to blame an object that's been a part of our country/culture since it's inception.
    It does start with politicians who want the bragging rights of #1 schools and also school administrators, teachers and parents who have allowed school testing companies to dictate "curriculum" all for profit and yes (and a hugh YES) for allowing children to be labeled unneccesarily and inappropriately when they don't possess the needed intelligence to excel on these tests, thereby adjusting test scores.
    The whole public school system has run amok. The goal of turning out self sufficient human beings is lost. Too much pressure on kids to perform just so politicans have a platform. No focus on thinking just memorizing. Thinking individually and individuality is gone. Children are all supposed to all think alike and act alike or are labeled and/or drugged.

  39. I don't have kids but I see it. Kids are robots anymore. You got the off the wall parents who are trying desparately to live through their children and mold them into what they perceive to be perfect. Then you got the parents (usually one) who could care less, are irresponsible and live their own lives recklessly. So many kids are screwed up mentally either because the parents attempt to mold them or because they don't have caring parents.

  40. It's going to take the repeal of the Second Amendment. Which will not happen. EVER. For the uninitiated and the history-ignorant buffoons who gasp at the mere mention of "guns" (oh NO!!), the Second amendment was the SECOND one they did because the leaders of the FIRST American revolution KNEW that the people MUST be able to resist an oppressive government (and Jefferson PREDICTED that our OWN government would one day become "oppressive", too!) by something other than mean words and letters to the editor. Assault weapons are NECESSARY to equalize the power balance between the "I'll stay in power for decades" leaders and "we, the people". But, of course, I DO understand that most of you sissies and ninnies don't know who those men were, what they said, what they stood for, or how our country came to be. Guns made our country FREE, made OTHER countries FREE, and scare the total hell out of every career politician. As it should be. The SECOND American revolution isn't far away and we're NOT going to be fighting it with snub nosed .38's. I also know that many of you won't fight at all --- you will happily put your entire family on the trains. Been done before.


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