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Monday, December 24, 2012

Thousands Sign US Petition To Deport Piers Morgan

Tens of thousands of people have signed a petition calling for British CNN host Piers Morgan to be deported from the U.S. over his gun control views.

Morgan has taken an aggressive stand for tighter U.S. gun laws in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut, school shooting. Last week, he called a gun advocate appearing on his "Piers Morgan Tonight" show an "unbelievably stupid man."

Now, gun rights activists are fighting back. A petition created Dec. 21 on the White House e-petition website by a user in Texas accuses Morgan of engaging in a "hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution" by targeting the Second Amendment. It demands he be deported immediately for "exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens."


  1. So Freedom of Speech is only available when a president of a company wants to put down same-sex couples?

  2. piers clearly has issues...

  3. Mr. Norton, freedom Of speech? what is freedom of speech for a brit? doesn't exist! that's why america came into being! This idiot don't like it here or our laws he is free to go home!

  4. I'm sick and tired of hearing about freedom of speech protecting someone who is anti 2A. If you are against any of the constitution or Bill of Rights then you should be protected by non. The Constitution is not a pick and choose law it is all or nothing, so if your opposed to 2A you are opposed to it all should not be protected by 1A!!

  5. While I dont like Piers comments,George Soros is more of a threat to all of us.

  6. The Constitution is not a pick and choose law it is all or nothing, so if your opposed to 2A you are opposed to it all should not be protected by 1A!!

    December 25, 2012 5:59 AM

    lol what a load of bs.

  7. I don't believe anyone is trying to take away his freedom of speech at all. We just want him out of OUR country.

    GO HOME. Oh that's right- you don't have one. The U.K. doesn't want you either.

  8. It is simple: Piers is a threat to our Constitution and its Ammendments. Period.


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