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Sunday, December 09, 2012

The City Of Detroit Is Asking President Obama For Some Help

This week, Detroit City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson called for a financial lifeline from the White House to assist her cash-strapped city. Watson argued that 75% of Wayne County voters supported the President in his re-election bid and that in return the President should help Detroit. It's estimated that Detroit may run out of money by the end of the year, but so far the White House has no plans to bail it out. There are several cities across America like Detroit that have been devastated by three decades of Reaganomics and so-called Free Trade deals that have wiped out local manufacturing. These cities received the deathblow in 2007 when Wall Street crashed our economy. And there's a history of the federal government bailing out broke cities – President Ford loaned New York City $2 billion in 1975 to avoid going broke. Rather than spending billions – maybe trillions – on nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan – it's time to do some nation building at home, starting with Detroit.


  1. Unions killed Detroit. The place has been a bullet ridden slum for 50 years. Let it die at its own hands.

  2. How can Obama bail out Detroit when, because of him, America is out of money.

  3. hahahaha what do they think ?? That they live in AMERICA ??? We lost that name in last election and now we are the large mexico....

  4. While Crisfield gets nothing... Racism is alive and well my friends.

  5. To heck with Detroit they have made their bed they can lie in their own mess

  6. they thought they would get free handouts, guess that bit them in the butt

  7. I bet Detroit will get millions from Obama and Crisfield gets nothing.

  8. uh huh. This is exactly what we're going to see more of. I see in the above posts people pretty much see what's happening.

    Too bad - at least here in the socialist state of Maryland - most folks voted NOBama.


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