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Monday, December 17, 2012

'Tea Party' Group Fights For Islamic Causes

Far from being the lock-step GOP ground troop some in the media have suggested it is, the tea-party movement includes people of many different ideologies … but this element is most unusual.

WND has discovered a Muslim activist organization that claims to be working from within the tea party to counter the movement’s “Islamophobia.”

The group Muslims4Liberty, however, also decries American “greatness,” accuses the U.S. of “war crimes,” espouses seemingly anti-Israel ideology and slams the “evangelical and conservative Jewish bloc” of the Republican party.



  1. There are so many "Tea Party" type organizations/ email mills operating off the movement, it really cheapens the ones who want to make a difference. The common denominator is one, but on a varying range; MONEY. Most all want you to send them money to "fight for this or that", but I really wonder how much really gets to where it's purported to go.

    I wish I had thought of this idea; I'd be a millionaire today!

  2. Is there any substance into this claim? Just another 'propaganda spin' to maybe discredit the Tea Party movement?

  3. This is how the abstract "tea party" becomes labeled as terrorists.

  4. So what is it that people hate about "taxed enough already" maybe its all smoke n bs to slander a very american tradition of not wanting to be taxed to death

  5. Anything and everything put into print over the last 30 years or so has been considered to be printed truth by most Americans who read it.........Here's some good news folks, much of what our liberal media prints today are outright and deliberate lies. Much of what our politicians tell us are also self serving lies and half truths. Both do so knowingly and willfully, because their collective agendas are intended to sway small American pea brains. The masses of Americans are abundant in their glutinous consumption of forced fed consumption. The truth lies closer to the old saying of, if you believe "none" of what you read and only half of what you see, then you'll be closer to the truth.


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