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Monday, December 17, 2012

Taking Downtown Trash To The Landfill

Last week we spoke about the Mayor removing Downtown trash from the agenda. On Friday's I have to collect my trash as well as the majority of Downtown residents and take it to the landfill.

This has been a heated topic for many years now, yet no one seems to want to resolve this problem. Fortunately I have a truck but think about the majority of residents who live down here who do not.

Can someone please tell me what Jim Ireton has been able to get done since he's been in Office?


  1. I would have thought there was more than 4 residents downtown.

  2. Can someone please tell me what Jim Ireton has been able to get done since he's been in Office?

    Absolutely Nothing of Importance!

  3. Dump it in-front of iretons office, tick tock jimmy your seat is getting cold.

  4. Even a sealed garbage bin at a centralized location would help.A truck could be in and out 2 or 3 times a week in less than 5 minutes.Determining the location of that bin might be a heated issue,but the bin design makes it non invasive and odorless.

  5. I have a business in this town. I pay plenty of taxes also. I have to hire a private contractor to take away my trash. The renters here have the city pick up their trash. The landlord pays the taxes for trash pick up. So I guess businesses need to have private pickup or take it to the dump and pay a fee to dump it. The city needs to pick up trash downtown for the renters...why should it be any different than all the other landlord owned properties.?

  6. Everyone else that lives in the City limits gets their trash picked up and the money they pay in City taxes pays for that. Why should the people that live downtown be any different. If you pay taxes in the City the City should be picking up your trash. I just don't see how they justify providing service for some while doing it for others.

  7. i live in the city and no my taxes do not pay for trash pick up i pay for it with my water bill it is included in it. water, sewer x2 and trash i dont get anything from paying city taxes except a head-ache

  8. This picture shows how safe it is down town! Not one bag missing.

  9. Mayor Ireton needs to get off his knees and take a good look around, maybe he might see something to fix.

  10. Mayor Ireton has accomplished blaming the council for everything and giving them credit for nothing. He and the Daily Times have spent nearly every day of the last two years bashing three council members favored by the voters.

    Exhausting work, but somebody had to do it.


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