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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Shhhh! A New Law Says TV Ads Can't Blare Anymore

NEW YORK (AP) - TV viewing could soon sound a little calmer. The CALM Act, which limits the volume of TV commercials, goes into effect on Thursday.

CALM stands for Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation. The act is designed to prevent TV commercials from blaring at louder volumes than the program content they accompany. The rules govern broadcasters as well as cable and satellite operators.



  1. Great news I hit the mute button when its to loud.

  2. you hear that channel 47?!!

  3. This was supposed to have been done decades ago. WT?

  4. WMDT along with the cable channels is the worst. Maybe the FCC will enforce it this time.

  5. I don't see the need for the new law; that law has been around for 45 years, and passed again maybe 30 years ago! Of course, with so many laws, they seem to get lost in the shuffle.


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