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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Same-Sex Marriage Activists Now Looking Toward Protection From Gender Identity Discrimination

As a transgender student working at a children’s summer camp, Mykell Hatcher-McLarin refused to disclose his identity, fearing he would lose his job if parents perceived him as a risk to their children.

The junior sociology major often worries he could be denied housing or health care one day, just for choosing to express his identity.

But Hatcher-McLarin believes a time when the law offers protection from gender identity discrimination may be on the horizon — as long as state and local advocates can maintain their momentum from upholding same-sex marriage in the state. While the Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Act failed to pass in the state General Assembly last year, members of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups on the campus said they will turn their attention to this year’s push when they return to the campus.



  1. Why in the hell should a transgender be working in a children's camp to begin with. When a person is so screw up that they can't even decide what sex they want to be, should not be near children.

  2. Completely unrelated to the article, but 6:12....it's not that transponders can't decide what sex they want to be. Actually, it's the exact opposite. They are completely sure of what sex they want to be, it's just not the sex that they are.


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