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Friday, December 14, 2012

Salisbury News Is Growing

2012 (21461) so far.
2011 (20450)
2010 (13514)
2009 (10968)

No matter what anyone says, one quick look at a Daily Times Newspaper clearly shows they have shrunk year after year while Salisbury News continues to prove we're growing. 

The above numbers show how many articles we have provided over the past few years for the year. 

I'll never forget the meeting I had 8 years ago with Greg Bassett and Joe Carmean where I told them, if you don't publish the truth I'm going to start my own Newspaper and compete with you. Their response, "We Love Competition". I'll bet their kicking themselves in the rear end for ever saying such a thing, eh?


  1. 2011 was a Great Year!

  2. Customer Service at it's bestDecember 14, 2012 at 3:36 PM

    This site gets news out before most other stations and papers have any information.

    You provide us a great service Joe!

  3. And they they still dont print the real truth. Go figure.

  4. The only REAL NEWS IS SBYnews.

    If it were not for SBYnews - the general population would still be living in the 17th century.


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