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Saturday, December 15, 2012

"Republicans Are Stupid"


  1. Easy to see why public schools are such dismal failures: to allow some one with an attitude and lack of reason as that on premise - let alone teach - is an all to common, total disgrace.

  2. Social Studies was suppose to explain how the process of government works in different forms, the history and the evolution of laws and world leadership. Am I wrong? Did I miss something?
    Why is opinion being feed as fact to students? No wonder we are to lazy to work as a nation we can discuss it til another topic comes along. I have voted in every election I have been able to, including a one and a half hour car ride to get to my polling place. I am a registered democrat and can only say with 100% accuracy Stupidity Has No Class Boundaries. Learn how to add and listen before just shooting you mouth off STUDENTS!
    You hit a bullet with this post

  3. Like in buses, there should be cameras to monitor teachers in classrooms.

  4. 11:58 exactly.Their getting paid by the taxpayers so we should demand it.

  5. Can we just calm down and realize this is one teacher out of thousands? I'm a middle school teacher at a local school in Salisbury; every year my kids ask me personal questions, and every year I tell them I don't talk religion or politics in school. I'm a Democrat and an atheist; I certainly have no plans to "indoctrinate" the kids I teach. And by all means, please put cameras in the classrooms. Maybe then the citizens that like to criticize teachers could see the real issues in public schools in Wicomico County right now: out of control kids whom the administration does nothing about.

  6. 1:39pm In Wicomico County, Is it the out of control kids or is it the administration who does nothing about it? Until parents and teachers stand up to the administration, nothing will be done about some of the out of control kids.

  7. She should be fired!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Can we just calm down and realize this is one teacher out of thousands? I'm a middle school teacher at a local school in Salisbury; every year my kids ask me personal questions, and every year I tell them I don't talk religion or politics in school. I'm a Democrat and an atheist; I certainly have no plans to "indoctrinate" the kids I teach. And by all means, please put cameras in the classrooms. Maybe then the citizens that like to criticize teachers could see the real issues in public schools in Wicomico County right now: out of control kids whom the administration does nothing about.

    December 15, 2012 1:39 PM

    And you are full of the proverbial poop as well!

  9. 1:39....thank you so much for your thoughtful contribution to the conversation. How am I "full of it"? Please do explain. And fyi, I post anonymously because speaking out against the establishment doesn't work out well for a mere teacher like me....

    And yes, the parents are obviously a problem when I can't even get them on the phone to address behavior problems...

  10. Then let's put cameras in the Administrator's offices too then! We demand hard evidence. It's a small price to pay for the loss of privacy to the adults who have sex with their students. Is there something else to hide?

  11. 1:39, you might be surprised what spoiled little brats your little darlings are when out of your sight. Oh, never mind, they are spoiled little brats right in front of you also. You don't do anything about it, why should a school administrator? I'd LOVE to see cameras in classrooms, and I'm only a parent.

  12. I think the responses here have identified the problem. Not the parents', educator's, or administrator's problem. Why don't we essentially eliminate those from the payroll who are not accountable and fund just those that are? In this case, neither a parent or educator was responsible yet was "involved".

  13. 5:06 said it all! They are being brats in front of you and you allow it! Parents might not, Administrators can't, but you do. Thank you for admitting to the original problem, which is you and your discipline in the classroom! Now we know who to blame.


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