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Friday, December 14, 2012

Recognition For Three Support Staff Employees Of The Month For Wicomico School

The Wicomico County Board of Education at its Dec. 11 Board meeting recognized three outstanding support staff employees as Employees of the Month. Congratulations to these employees, one each from representing Administration, Elementary and Secondary.
The purpose of the Support Staff Employee of the Month Program is to recognize classified employees who have served Wicomico County Public Schools in an exceptional manner. The nominee must be someone who performs outstanding service through his or her work and exhibits a positive and supportive attitude. Honorees receive a $50 gift card, award certificate and public recognition for their outstanding service to Wicomico County Public Schools.
Elementary: Mrs. Joan Pitts, special education paraprofessional, Charles H. Chipman Elementary
Mrs. Pitts is committed and compassionate. She is dependable, rarely missing a day of work. When she must be absent, she leaves lesson plans that are as thorough as a teacher’s because she says “I want to keep my children learning.” Thanks to her efforts, the school received a $250 award from the local VFW for books for the Special Education department at Chipman. For the past decade, Mrs. Pitts has placed a handmade poppy in each staff member’s mailbox to celebrate Veterans Day. She was also the first in line to help when the school media center got an extreme makeover last summer. Mrs. Pitts was nominated for this recognition by her principal, William Curtis.
Secondary: Ms. Susan Tayman, principal’s secretary, Mardela Middle and High School
Ms. Tayman ensures that everything runs smoothly at Mardela Middle and High while serving in a variety of essential roles. Her calm demeanor and friendly manner are ideal for greeting the visitors, staff and students who come through the main office each day. She processes all of the school’s discipline paperwork each day and makes sure that parents receive the papers they need to be informed. She keeps the school web page up to date and manages the school calendar by staying in constant communication with teachers, coaches, advisors and school system personnel. Her efforts ensure that parents and the community are aware of all the good things happening at the school. Ms. Tayman was nominated for this recognition by her principal, Frederick L. Briggs, and the home-school liaison, Jo Moore.
Central Office: Dee Calloway, office associate, Department of Instruction
In a short time, Ms. Calloway has become a cornerstone of the Department of Instruction, for which she serves as the front line person for parents and students with questions and concerns about secondary education. She presents a calm and receptive manner when listening to people who are sometimes angry and even volatile, letting them vent to get at the true concern so she can provide a well-informed answer. She recognizes that communication with schools is a key to resolving any concern, and ensures that the principal knows of the concern and is prepared to follow up. She is dependable and helpful and has a personal sparkle that brightens everyone’s day. Ms. Calloway was nominated for this recognition by Kim Miles, Director of Secondary Education.

1 comment:

  1. $50? I received, a$200 special recognization award for support staff at my place of employment., a local community college over the bridge. Wicomico county is cheap!


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