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Sunday, December 16, 2012

PR Baywater Success Leads To Adoption Specials

Happy Holidays! Thanks so much for your support this past year. It truly means a lot to us.

Photo: Paris is a five year old Pomeranian type dog who is available for no adoption fee at Baywater Animal Rescue.

Baywater Animal Rescue Staff


  1. Thanks for posting Joe---by you putting out there to so many viewers, hopefully this little dog will have a happy home by Christmas!
    Thank you "Baywater Rescue" for all you do !!!!!

  2. Thanks Baywater Rescue. Yours is truly a story of success and the Humane Society of Wicomico County should be taking lessons from you and the AC in your no kill county.

  3. Paris has an adoption fee. This month baywater Animal Rescue has a Holiday special for all dogs OVER 50 pounds, cats and kittens. Those meeting that have had their adoption fees waved until December 31st.


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