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Thursday, December 06, 2012

Poll: Americans Favor Legalization of Marijuana 51-44 Percent

Americans favor the legalization of marijuana 51 to 44 percent, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday morning.

The poll showed a substantial gender and age gap on the issue:

-- Men favored legalization 59 to 36 percent, but women opposed it, 52 to 44 percent.

-- Americans 18 to 29 years old support legalization 67 to 29 percent, while those over 65 years oppose it, 56 to 35 percent.



  1. The remaining 4% were too busy with the munchies to comment :}

  2. The powers that be are holding out because keeping pot illegal is more profitable.

  3. The remaining 4% were too busy with the munchies to comment :}

    December 6, 2012 5:34 PM

    Now that, was funny.

  4. Its funny how those over 65 overwhelmingly support it.

    Because they have an extremely jaded and flawed mindset still stuck somewhere around the year 1965.

  5. If the 44% were told the truth they would favor legalization as well.

  6. Like Prohibition, illegal pot has wasted tax dollars for enforcement.

  7. There will only be one thing to consider. If alcoholics have AA...what will Pot users recover program be called. A drug is a drug is a drug.

  8. Pot users program will be called "POT HEADS"

  9. Just another drug to go on the "Addictive" list. And, how do you use this one? By smoking it, of course. Hypocrites!

  10. 11:19:
    or potlickers...

  11. All you stoners out there should be careful what you wish for, it might come true. After pot is legalized the government will get involved and screw up your buzz as only the government can do. Decriminalization is what you should hope for. After legalization, if you sell a bag you will have the cops and the IRS on your a$$.

  12. Grow and harvest 7:02. Takes all the black market out of it. It can be done in a closet, only cost is a little electric.

  13. 5:47 actually marijuana can be eaten, which many people choose to do. Eating it causes zero lung damage. Medical marijuana states sell "edibles" to patients.


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