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Friday, December 14, 2012

Photo Of Shooter From 5 Yrs ago


  1. this idiot stole his mothers LEGALLY owned guns to do what he did today, so how will waving the magic legislation wand yet again prevent ANYTHING like this from happening in the future? it won't of course, but that won't stop the anti's from huffin' and puffin' and blowin' the house down again. and the only ones affected will be responsible gun owners. so hang on to yer hiney 'cause here we go again.

  2. They shout Gun Control but what about the families. Obama can suck my...

  3. Train and Arm the Teachers...FORCE WITH FORCE

  4. Another sad example of the public school system. A system with all the incentives in the world to drug up the children until they are just shells of human beings. A society that approves of drugging children into uncaring zombies.
    This will not end until people stop denying the facts. There are now generations of these zombies walking amoung us.

  5. Guns do not kill ............ idiots that have them do. And those that want them will get them from somewhere.

  6. So... why are we focusing on the shooter? The FBI says that is what gives the next crazy a new idea.


  7. In response to a reporter's question about whether the shooter had left a note, Vance said that searches at the home of Lanza and his mother, who was fatally shot in the spree, "did produce some very good evidence we can use ... hopefully it will paint a complete picture."

  8. Louise Tambascio, 70, a friend of Nancy’s and owner of My Place, a restaurant where the suspect’s brother used to work, said Adam Lanza had Asperger’s syndrome. He had a personality disorder, AP reported, citing a law-enforcement official briefed on the investigation.

    Developmental Disabilities
    Autism disorders like Asperger’s are developmental disabilities that can pose social, communication and behavioral challenges, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People with Asperger’s have difficulties with social, emotional and communication skills, and might have trouble understanding other people’s feelings or talking about their own feelings.

    Lanza was intelligent, quiet and awkward, Tambascio said.

    I beg, Please if you have a kid with a mental or emotional disability keep guns locked up.


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