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Monday, December 17, 2012

Petition To Legally Recognize Westboro Baptist Church As A Hate Group


Legally recognize Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group.

This group has been recognized as a hate group by organizations, such as The Southern Poverty Law Center, and has repeatedly displayed the actions typical of hate groups.
Their actions have been directed at many groups, including homosexuals, military, Jewish people and even other Christians. They pose a threat to the welfare and treatment of others and will not improve without some form of imposed regulation.
Created: Dec 14, 2012


  1. How do you "legally" recognize a "hate group"? The best "imposed regulation" is to ignore these inbred nutjobs and to not let them get to you and refuse to be offended by lunatics who are exercising their freedom of speech. They are not worth the bother of even one second of a thought.

    1. Yeah, exercising their freedom of speech by protesting at a vigil for massacred children...there's a line between free speech and hateful speech, a line they crossed a long time ago. They're trying to infringe on other people's freedom of speech. They want religion in schools? Well a friend of mine doesn't want religion shoved down their throat. They don't want people to be gay? Well I'm good friends with some very nice gay people. They picket at slain soldier's funerals, in front of their families; now they want to do that to families who just lost their children. Maybe these things don't match the FBI's definition of hate crimes, but something sure needs to be done about them.

  2. Well I bet these people might disagree with you.


  3. So the is to shut them up in spite of thier vile message thats a slippery slope!! This is just what the marxist want r u people nuts

  4. Hate group restrictions doe not amount to anything in America.

  5. There is no such classification as a legally recognized hate group. I don't know what this petition is attempting to accomplish.
    Protesting at any funeral is in poor taste but hating WBC's message doesn't mean it should be sensored. Believe it or not some people agree w/them and that is their preogative and most importantly, their right.
    Legally there is no line between free speech and hate speech until and unless the speech becomes threatening in tone and so far WBC hasn't crossed that line nor have they infringed on others right to free speech 8:47.

    Let them do what makes them tick, keep them as far away as possible and shielded. It's when you start restricting them that the fringe or one who "isn't quite right" (T. Mcveigh for example) goes "off the rim" and retaliates.

  6. What someone may find offensive and hate speech, others find the truth. I hate and find very offensive violent movies, music and video games. They promote and glorify killing which is the most extreme form of hate there is. This medium reaches far more people than these few lunatics who probably 99% of the US population has never even heard of much less have heard what they say.
    Where is the line drawn on what should be sensored? Should movie producers, music artists and video manufactures be legally named as hate groups?

  7. Be careful of the slippery slope.

    When it's a crime to think, everyone short of a braindead idiot is in trouble.

    And when a group is legally repressed, that's precedent to repress you.

    The reason that we were set up as a republic is to ensure the rights of minorities from the will of the majority.

  8. And when a group is legally repressed, that's precedent to repress you.

    I understand what you're trying to say but what they do is beyond human decency.

    What they do is akin to shouting fire in a crowded movie theater when there is no fire.

    They are not being repressed so much as they are being corrected and held accountable for their own irresponsible words and actions.

    They still have their freedom of speech. They are just being shown what happens when they abuse that right.

  9. "What they do is akin to shouting fire in a crowded movie theater when there is no fire"

    No.... not quite the same 2:13. The reason the yelling fire metaphor is used as an example of sensored speech is because it's obviously false if no fire is present and is done to cause chaos only and has potentially dangerous results such as a stampede occuring and people getting injured or killed.
    It's along the same lines as calling in a false bomb threat. When the intent of the "speech" is false and is intended to create chaos it is not protected.


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