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Thursday, December 06, 2012

Pay Raises

A federal coalition is launching a pre-emptive strike against further cuts to pay and benefits. The Federal-Postal Coalition represents 25 unions and associations. It's taken out a full-page ad in today's Politico newspaper. In it, the coalition says the government has cut more than $100 billion from federal employees' compensation over a decade. It points out that feds haven't gotten a pay raise in nearly three years. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said federal compensation reform should be part of a deficit-reduction package.


  1. Most don't need pay raises - they are in pay grades waaaaay above their abilities. If they were doing comparable tasks to the civilian sector based on their actual abilities, we would have too many clerks and not enough skilled folks actually doing the work!

  2. its time they feel real cuts like most business have the last 3 years.

  3. This cuts should start with Boehner and the rest of the overpaid politicians.

  4. Ray,you are sooo right. Also term limits and no pay after serving.

  5. 5 years ago I was making 68k. Last year I made 18k. Eat that, federal employees.

  6. 6:39

    Sounds like your own issue.

    Oh, wait youre upset that people are making more money than you? Youre saying you want there pay to be lowered?

    Why would you ever want to take away from the more fortunate? They worked hard for their money!

  7. 910, show me the want ads for construction superintendents wanted. I'll bet there are literally thousands of job openings for me in your neighborhood!

    I'm not jealous of anyone. I'm just stating a fact that I'm living with. There are 2 or 3 other people in the U.S. that are unemployed and in survival mode as well, I'm told.

    I'm just tired of hearing those who are fortunate to have the few jobs left crying about their paychecks, that's all. I'd be happy to take their place for 10% less.

  8. 9:28

    So you dont think dedicated workers should receive a small annual raise because you cant find a job?

    How is that going to help you find a construction job


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