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Friday, December 14, 2012


A shooting at a Connecticut elementary school Friday left 27 people dead, including 18 children, an official said.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was still under way. Another official, speaking on condition of anonymity for the same reason, said the gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown was killed and apparently had two guns.

Stephen Delgiadice said his 8-year-old daughter heard two big bangs and teachers told her to get in a corner. His daughter was fine.



  1. Can we please now have legitimate gun control in this country!!!! Please!!!

  2. We live in a very sick society.

  3. If teachers could carry there would be no story, also bring back the electric chair and let the guilty fry slowly for all to watch.

    1. Yes, because teachers shooting back in a roomful of kids sounds like something that would have ended oh so well.

  4. 1:26 A rifle was used...what kind of "control" do you suggest?

  5. you dont need gun control just enforce the laws we have and just because you have gun control do you think that if someone wants a gun they cant get one come on you can take all the guns away from people but the ones that want to do harm will always find a way to get them

  6. This is beyond horrific.

  7. What happened is very sad. We can not blame guns for this incident. There are some sick people in this world. We need to work on the security measure that are in place for our schools. You can walk in any school you want and walk around and to me that is scary.

  8. Is this a gun issue or a mental health issue?

  9. Thank God they had doors to lock and hide behind or more could be dead. We don't have doors at Parkside and every classroom has a glass exterior door. Definitely the most un-safe school in the county.

  10. Let's see. Our most precious tresure is not guarded by even an armed guard. Let the teachers pack and this would not have happened. 1:26 gun control only allows criminals to carry. How has outlawing drugs worked?

  11. "Can we please now have legitimate gun control in this country!!!! Please!!!"

    Really? Kids get shot and your first thought is, "lets ban guns"? What does "legitimate " gun control mean? Take ALL the guns. go house to house and round up ALL the guns? Because unless you are willing go that far, you cannot prevent every tragedy.

  12. 1:26, if he had plowed his car into a crowd at 80mph and killed 100 people would you want cars to be banned? if he had burned down a building and killed 200 people would you want matches to be banned? if he had stabbed all those people instead of using a gun would you be whining for more "knife control" laws NO! DON'T BLAME A GUN FOR THE ACTIONS OF A CRIMINAL.

  13. Where there are mass shootings the area has very heavy Gun Control. We need our Politicians to enforce existing laws and arm and train teachers. In my training we were informed this was bound to happen.
    Interestingly though, we have had allot of this since Obama's been in office; almost like he is organizing these disasters.

  14. The fact is this is a horrific act of a madman. Too many madmen have access to guns in this country. Stop gun violence now!

  15. If corporal punishment was used like it is supposed to, this crap would stop. If you knew you would die for killing someone, you would think twice before doing it. If they cut your hand off for stealing like they did in the old days, you would stop stealing! Instead people go to prison and get free food, healthcare, etc.
    This country is in SAD shape!!

  16. I'm just sitting here shocked and trying not to cry for those innocent souls and their families. I can't wait to hear about the spin the churches will put on this Sunday.

  17. This is a mental health issue, not a gun issue. You can kill somebody with a lot of different things. A gun is just the easiest.

  18. WE don't need gun control! That's putting a bandaid on the very real problem of the break down of society particularly the family. You can bet you last dollar there were "warning signs" that the family of the shooters either ignored or denied.
    It's going to be real easy to just brush this off as something we can never "understand." That's utter BS. All murders have a reason for doing what they do. All murderers show signs of anti social behaviour but the "correct" thing to do nowadays is make an excuse for the subject and then drug them up w/anti psychotics.
    This "time out" crap that parents are so sold on is troubling. When your kid acts out you do not sit them in a chair for "time out." You get to the root of why they are acting out and if necessary punish appropriately. YOu don't shut them up w/a "time out."
    That's taking the lazy easy way out.
    Another thing if anyone's child is on the "chemical lobotomy" aka Ritalin, think long and hard about that. You don't drug a kid into submission. You get to the problem and get rid of it if at all possible.

  19. I think we should make all guns illegal. Get them all off the streets. While we are at it we should also make heroice and meth illegal too.

  20. 6:45 you are about as dumb as a fishing worm. Just what in the world is heroice? Someone should check on your well being because you obviously have a problem!

  21. well 6:45 you sound like a bright fellow, i do a lot of driving, and i have yet to see a single gun on "the streets", but if i ever do i'll be sure to pick it up and buy plenty of ammo for it. and what the hell is "HEROICE"?

  22. There is a ongoing problem in DORCHESTER COUNTY where i have been complaining x2 months to the school administration that the front doors remain OPEN during the school hours, there have been 2 incidents with parents at a elementary school where 1 parent was arrested, this is very dangerous and hopefully this will be changed shortly and that another incident dose not happen to our precious children.

  23. I am 6;45 and I made a typo....OMG blow me out of the water for a typo. It was suppose to say heroin. There also needs to be a sarcasm font. They made drugs illegal and you see where that has gotten us. If they make guns illegal only the criminals will have them.

  24. 6:45 i believe we should also make stupity and illegal aliens illegal too !!oh wait they all ready are! can you guess which one? either crawl back to your mothers basement n do your homework , or go back to were you are legal.. cause with a statement like that ...ur very mis informed and not aware of the constitutional right to bear arms

  25. No religion in school. No religion at home. No discipline, I mean real discipline.
    No respect for elders or forself. Parental guidance directed by "if you spank me I will tell Social Services". Mom and Dad not in same house for many kids. Mom and Dad in same, hate each other!
    Weird, shocking, violent video games. It goes on and on. How can we overcome all of this!!


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