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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Obama Caught Fake Crying


  1. fake crying shouldn't be a surprise. THE MAN IS A FAKE! WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?!?!?

  2. Those tears were so fake. Tears would form near your nose with your head bent over. Not to mention if you hold them back, as most men do, the tears well up in your eyes which is clearly visible when you're really about to cry. Besides the fact you can't wipe a tear away till it actually hits you're cheek. Does he cry over the fact that for the last 25 years there have been more black children aborted than born

  3. Statistically, more people die annually from accidents with deer than mass shootings. More people die from obesity and bathtub/shower accidents as well. Should we ban deer, spoons, and bathtubs?

  4. Alex has no equal at condensing news that we already know and sensationalizing it.At least he assembles it for those who possibly did'nt know.Even for those of us who already know every "revelation"of which he speaks before he tells it,it's still pure entertainment.He reminds me of a radical Rush Limbaugh.Great post.

  5. Did you all watch the video? That fella is nuttier than a fruitcake. Wow.

  6. He took lessons from bill clinton.

  7. He is nutty? How abut Chris Matthews, Soledad O'Brien or Ed Schultz? Guess you think they are credible.

  8. lol "a radical rush limbaugh"

    implying rush limbaugh isn't a radical


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